首页> 外文期刊>Powder Technology: An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Wet and Dry Particulate Systems >Binderless fluidized bed granulation of a type C hygroscopic pharmaceutical powder with prior humidification treatment

Binderless fluidized bed granulation of a type C hygroscopic pharmaceutical powder with prior humidification treatment


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Geldart Type C powder is very fine and cohesive and therefore, very difficult to be fluidized or processed. Severe channeling tends to occur as the inter-particle forces cannot be overcome by the air streams. In this industrial process study, humidification is employed prior fluidized bed granulation to convert a Type C powder to Type A, which is less cohesive and can be readily fluidized. This method was applied to granulate a Type C active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) used for asthma treatment. The API was humidified at approx. 71 to 75% relative humidity and temperatures ranging from 21 to 45 °C over durations of 20 to 60 h. Humidification of the sharp edged particles resulted in the rounding and smoothening of surface morphology due to dissolution, re-crystallization and fusion of contact surfaces. The particle size is increased due to agglomeration. Due to moisture sorption, even without a binder, the humidified material can be readily granulated inside a fluidized bed to form sphere-like agglomerates with improved flowability.
机译:Geldart C型粉末非常细小且具有凝聚力,因此很难流化或加工。由于粒子间的力无法被气流克服,因此会出现严重的窜流现象。在该工业过程研究中,在流化床造粒之前先进行加湿,以将C型粉末转化为A型,该A型粉末的内聚力较小且易于流化。该方法用于制粒用于哮喘治疗的C型活性药物成分(API)。 API的加湿温度约为在20至60小时的持续时间内,相对湿度为71至75%,温度为21至45°C。由于接触表面的溶解,重结晶和熔化,尖锐边缘颗粒的加湿导致表面形态变圆和变平滑。由于附聚,粒径增加。由于水分吸收,即使没有粘合剂,加湿的材料也可以容易地在流化床内造粒,以形成具有改善的流动性的球状附聚物。



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