首页> 外文期刊>Chemical research in toxicology >Biochemical characterization of eight genetic variants of human DNA polymerase κ involved in error-free bypass across bulky N 2-guanyl DNA adducts

Biochemical characterization of eight genetic variants of human DNA polymerase κ involved in error-free bypass across bulky N 2-guanyl DNA adducts

机译:人类DNA聚合酶κ八种遗传变异的生化特征,涉及跨大体积N 2-鸟苷DNA加合物的无错旁路

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DNA polymerase (pol) κ, one of the Y-family polymerases, has been shown to function in error-free translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) opposite the bulky N2-guanyl DNA lesions induced by many carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We analyzed the biochemical properties of eight reported human pol κ variants positioned in the polymerase core domain, using the recombinant pol κ (residues 1-526) protein and the DNA template containing an N2-CH2(9-anthracenyl)G (N 2-AnthG). The truncation R219X was devoid of polymerase activity, and the E419G and Y432S variants showed much lower polymerase activity than wild-type pol κ. In steady-state kinetic analyses, E419G and Y432S displayed 20- to 34-fold decreases in kcat/Km for dCTP insertion opposite G and N2-AnthG compared to that of wild-type pol κ. The L21F, I39T, and D189G variants, as well as E419G and Y432S, displayed 6- to 22-fold decreases in kcat/Km for next-base extension from C paired with N2-AnthG, compared to that of wild-type pol κ. The defective Y432S variant had 4- to 5-fold lower DNA-binding affinity than wild-type, while a slightly more efficient S423R variant possessed 2- to 3-fold higher DNA-binding affinity. These results suggest that R219X abolishes and the E419G, Y432S, L21F, I39T, and D189G variations substantially impair the TLS ability of pol κ opposite bulky N2-G lesions in the insertion step opposite the lesion and/or the subsequent extension step, raising the possibility that certain nonsynonymous pol κ genetic variations translate into individual differences in susceptibility to genotoxic carcinogens.
机译:DNA聚合酶(pol)κ是Y族聚合酶之一,已被证明可与许多致癌物(如多环芳香烃)诱发的庞大的N2-鸟苷DNA损伤相反,在无错的转移DNA合成(TLS)中发挥作用。我们使用重组polκ(残基1-526)蛋白和包含N2-CH2(9-蒽基)G(N 2-的DNA模板)分析了八种已报道的位于聚合酶核心域中的人类polκ变异体的生化特性。 AnthG)。截短的R219X没有聚合酶活性,并且E419G和Y432S变体的聚合酶活性比野生型polκ低得多。在稳态动力学分析中,与野生型polκ相比,与G和N2-AnthG相对的dCTP插入,E419G和Y432S的kcat / Km降低了20-34倍。与野生型polκ相比,L21F,I39T和D189G变体以及E419G和Y432S的k-cat / Km下降了6到22倍,其中k与N2-AnthG配对的C的下一碱基延伸。有缺陷的Y432S变体的DNA结合亲和力比野生型低4至5倍,而效率更高的S423R变体的DNA结合亲和力高2至3倍。这些结果表明,R219X消失,E419G,Y432S,L21F,I39T和D189G的变异在与病变相对的插入步骤和/或随后的延伸步骤中大大破坏了与较大的N2-G病变相对应的polκ的TLS能力,从而提高了某些非同义polκ遗传变异转化为对遗传毒性致癌物敏感性的个体差异的可能性。



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