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Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Residual Stresses on Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene (PE100) Pipes


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Pipe extruded from polyethylene of strength class PE100 was tested using the ISO 13477 Small Scale Steady State 'S4' method, to investigate the effect of frozen-in stress on rapid crack propagation (RCP). It was found that the lower the residual stress, the lower the S4 critical temperature T_(cS4) for RCP. Different experimental thermal treatments were used to independently modify residual stresses and crystallinity, to study the separate effects on RCP. It was found that the effect of crystallinity was less significant than that of residual stresses. It has previously been suggested that the residual stress influence on T_(cS4) is determined by the balance of two mechanisms: additional stored strain energy prior to fracture helps to drive the crack, while the closing moment after fracture helps to close the flaring pipe wall. Tests on annealed specimens suggested that the first effect dominates, especially soon after crack initiation. However, the observed effect seems too large to be explained by this mechanism, and we suggest that the observed benefit from annealing may be better explained by a change in crack front shape.
机译:使用ISO 13477小规模稳态'S4'方法对强度等级为PE100的聚乙烯挤塑管进行了测试,以研究冻结应力对快速裂纹扩展(RCP)的影响。发现残余应力越低,RCP的S4临界温度T_(cS4)越低。使用不同的实验热处理来独立修改残余应力和结晶度,以研究对RCP的单独影响。发现结晶度的影响不如残余应力大。以前曾有人提出,残余应力对T_(cS4)的影响是由两种机制的平衡决定的:断裂之前的额外储存应变能有助于驱动裂纹,而断裂后的闭合力矩则有助于封闭扩口的管壁。 。对退火试样的测试表明,第一个效果起主要作用,尤其是在裂纹萌生后不久。但是,观察到的效果似乎太大,无法用这种机制来解释,我们建议通过观察裂纹前部形状的变化可以更好地解释观察到的退火带来的好处。



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