首页> 外文期刊>Precambrian Research >Early embryogenesis of potential bilaterian animals with polar lobe formation from the Ediacaran Weng'an Biota, South China

Early embryogenesis of potential bilaterian animals with polar lobe formation from the Ediacaran Weng'an Biota, South China


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Exquisite phosphatized eggs and embryos from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation (Weng'an biota, ca.580Ma) of Guizhou, southwestern China have greatly expanded our knowledge of the diversity and palaeobiology of early multicellular animals, and contributed to our understanding of the origins of sponge, cnidarian and other potential eumetazoans. However, the key question of whether triploblastic bilaterian animals are present in the Weng'an biota remains controversial. In the present study, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and propagation phase contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography (PPC-SR-μCT) are used to prove the presence of bilaterian embryos in the Doushantuo phosphorite. Based on the well preserved connection neck between the polar lobe (PL) and the egg or blastomere as shown by the high-resolution internal sections conducted by PPC-SR-μCT, three types of PL-forming embryos (calabash-shaped (1-cell stage), trefoil and L-shaped (2-cell stage)) have been confirmed in the Doushantuo phosphorite. These PL-forming embryos are distinct from the PL-forming-like embryos, multicellular algal fossils, and even diagenetic artifacts in morphology and anatomy. In addition, an early developmental sequence for these PL-forming embryos can be inferred for the first time. The results not only provide more convincing evidence for animal affinities among the Doushantuo embryos, but also indicate that polar lobes, which break the symmetrical distribution of morphogenetic determinants in cytoplasm during the early developmental stages of living bilaterian embryos, are a conserved device that occurred already during animal embryogenesis even in the Precambrian.
机译:来自中国西南贵州的Ediacaran Doushantuo组(翁安生物群,约580Ma)的精美的磷酸化卵和胚胎极大地扩展了我们对早期多细胞动物的多样性和古生物学的认识,并有助于我们对海绵起源的理解,cnidarian和其他潜在的杜鹃花。但是,关于ng安生物群中是否存在三叶虫双侧动物的关键问题仍然存在争议。在本研究中,使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和传播相位对比同步X射线显微断层照相术(PPC-SR-μCT)来证明Doushantuo磷矿中存在双侧胚胎。根据PPC-SR-μCT进行的高分辨率内部剖析,基于极好地垂体(PL)与卵或卵裂球之间的连接颈部保存完好,形成PL的三种胚胎类型(瓢状(1-在杜山托磷矿中已经证实了三叶草和三叶草和L形(两细胞阶段)。这些形成PL的胚胎不同于形成PL的胚胎,多细胞藻类化石,甚至在形态和解剖学上甚至是成岩人工制品。此外,可以首次推断出这些形成PL的胚胎的早期发育序列。结果不仅为杜尚图托胚胎之间的动物亲和力提供了更有说服力的证据,而且还表明,在活的双侧胚胎的早期发育阶段破坏细胞质中形态发生决定簇对称分布的极瓣是一种已经存在的保守装置。在动物胚胎发生过程中,甚至在前寒武纪也是如此。



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