首页> 外文期刊>Peptides: An International Journal >The control of Malpighian tubule secretion in a predacious hemipteran insect, the spined soldier bug Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae).

The control of Malpighian tubule secretion in a predacious hemipteran insect, the spined soldier bug Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae).

机译:控制早熟的半足类昆虫中的Malpighian肾小管分泌物,这种昆虫是士兵臭虫Podisus maculiventris(Heteroptera,Pentatomidae)。

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Spined soldier bugs, Podisus maculiventris, are heteropteran insects that feed voraciously on other insects, particular the soft bodied larval forms of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The response of P. maculiventris Malpighian tubules (MTs) to serotonin and known diuretic and antidiuretic peptides has been investigated, and is compared with that of MT from the hematophagous and phytophagous heteropteran bugs Rhodnius prolixus and Acrosternum hilare, respectively. A CRF-related peptide diuretic hormone (DH) from the termite Zootermopsis nevadensis (Zoone-DH) stimulated MT secretion, which was reversed by a member of the CAP(2b) family of peptides from A. hilare (Acrhi-CAP(2b)-2), an antidiuretic effect. Serotonin had no effect on secretion, neither did a representative calcitonin-like DH, kinin, tachykinin-related peptide, and an antidiuretic factor from the mealworm Tenebrio molitor (Tenmo-ADFb) in both P. maculiventris or A. hilare. Serotonin is a DH in R. prolixus, and its lack of effect on MT from P. maculiventris and A. hilare suggests this is an adaptation to hematophagy. On the other hand, the antidiuretic activity of members of the CAP(2b) family in all three bugs is consistent with this being a heteropteran feature rather than a specialism for hematophagy.
机译:纺锤虫(Podisus maculiventris)是异翅类昆虫,以其他昆虫为食,特别是鳞翅目和鞘翅目的软体幼虫。已研究了巨噬疟原虫马尔皮氏管(MTs)对5-羟色胺和已知的利尿和抗利尿肽的反应,并将其与嗜血性和噬菌性异翅臭虫Rhodnius prolixus和Acrosternum hilare的MT进行了比较。 CRF相关的肽利尿激素(DH)来自白蚁Zootermopsis nevadensis(Zoone-DH)刺激MT分泌,其被A. hilare(Acrhi-CAP(2b))的CAP(2b)肽家族的成员逆转-2),具有抗利尿作用。 5-羟色胺对分泌没有影响,代表性的降钙素样DH,激肽,速激肽相关肽和粉虫黄粉虫(Tenmo-ADFb)中的抗利尿因子也都没有。 5-羟色胺是螺旋藻中的DH,它对P. maculiventris和A. hilare对MT的影响不足,表明这是对吞噬的适应。另一方面,CAP(2b)家族成员在所有三个错误中的抗利尿作用与这是异翅类动物特征而不是嗜血性疾病的专长相一致。



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