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Thermal Stability Testing of the Baker Flo-XS Pipeline Drag Reducing Additive

机译:Baker Flo-XS管道减阻剂的热稳定性测试

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The Americal Petroleum Institute (API) conducted a surery in 1997 that showed over 40% of the pipelines dedicated to jet fuel use in the U.S.will be at maximum capactiy in the next 10 years (1). This is due to the forecasted increased demand for jet fuel by commercial airalines. A potential alternative to building more pipelines is the ues of a drag-reducing additive. Drag reducing additives (DRAs) are routinely used in crude oil and products including kersoene, gasoline, diesel fuel and home heating oil to reudce operating costs and increase throughput. However, in order to gain approval for use in jet fuel, appropriate testing mest be accomplished to demonstrate that the DRA does not cause deleterious impact to aricraft system components. In this study, the Baker Flo-XS (DRA) drag-reducing additive was tested to determine any deleterious impact on the thermal stability properties of the jet fuel.
机译:美国石油学会(API)于1997年进行了一项保证,显示在未来10年中,超过40%的美国专用于喷气燃料的管道将达到最大产能(1)。这是由于预计商业airalines对喷气燃料的需求将增加。减少阻力的添加剂是建造更多管道的潜在替代方案。减阻添加剂(DRA)通常用于原油和包括煤油,汽油,柴油燃料和家用取暖油在内的产品中,以降低运营成本并提高产量。但是,为了获得批准用于喷气燃料,必须进行适当的测试,以证明DRA不会对飞行器系统组件造成有害影响。在这项研究中,测试了Baker Flo-XS(DRA)减阻添加剂,以确定对喷气燃料的热稳定性能有无害。



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