首页> 外文期刊>Post reproductive health. >Commissioning for menopause specialist services: A local perspective: An internet-based survey to assess the potential demand for menopause care in West Cheshire and the skills of local primary care clinicians in this field, with a view to informing future commissioning locally

Commissioning for menopause specialist services: A local perspective: An internet-based survey to assess the potential demand for menopause care in West Cheshire and the skills of local primary care clinicians in this field, with a view to informing future commissioning locally


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Objective: This study explores the perceived volume of women affected by peri- or post-menopausal issues that present to primary care clinicians in West Cheshire, plus the self-reported confidence of those clinicians in managing the menopause, and whether or not they feel that they and their patients should have access to a specialist menopause service. Study design: Completion of an electronic survey. Population: General practitioners and practice nurses working in West Cheshire. Main outcome measure: To provide evidence for future local commissioning of menopause services. Results: Ninety-one clinicians working within West Cheshire were sent an email request to complete the survey with 53 responses received (58%). The majority were general practitioners and were within the 35-54 year age range. The majority perceived that, each week in their clinical practice, they see between one and eight women who are affected by peri- or post-menopausal symptoms. Regarding their self-reported skills and knowledge in managing the menopause, almost half felt they had 'good' knowledge but 'recognised (they) had learning needs'. Seven of the 53 (13%) felt their skills were 'not good'. Two-thirds of those clinicians who completed the survey felt that they and their patients should have access to a specialist menopause service locally. Conclusions: In the area covered by West Cheshire clinical commissioning group, there is no currently commissioned menopause service. This study has demonstrated that a substantial number of women present each week to clinicians working in this area who are felt to have peri- or post-menopausal symptoms. The clinicians have self-reported learning needs. Qualitative data from the survey would suggest training can be difficult to access. There is a clear need, both ethically and medically, for the commissioning of a West Cheshire specialist menopause service, with the proposed model being an integrated and holistic care model. Menopause care, and post-reproductive healthcare generally, provides an opportunity for collaboration and partnership working within an outcomes-based commissioning model. This study could be reviewed and replicated in other areas for comparison.
机译:目的:本研究探讨了西柴郡的初级保健临床医生所面临的绝经前后问题影响的女性感知量,以及这些医生对控制绝经的自我报告的信心,以及她们是否感到绝经他们及其患者应获得更年期专业服务。研究设计:完成电子调查。人口:在西柴郡工作的全科医生和执业护士。主要结果衡量标准:为将来在当地进行更年期服务提供证据。结果:向西柴郡的91位临床医生发送了电子邮件请求,以完成调查,收到53份回复(占58%)。大多数是全科医生,年龄在35-54岁之间。大多数人认为,在他们的临床实践中,她们每周都会见到1至8名受围绝经期或围绝经期症状影响的妇女。关于他们自我报告的更年期管理技能和知识,几乎一半的人认为他们具有“良好”的知识,但“被认可(他们)具有学习需求”。 53名中的7名(13%)认为他们的技能“不好”。完成调查的临床医生中有三分之二认为他们和他们的患者应该在当地获得专业的更年期服务。结论:在西柴郡临床调试小组所覆盖的地区,目前没有委托更年期的服务。这项研究表明,每周有相当多的女性到该地区工作的临床医生那里,感觉到有围绝经期或绝经后的症状。临床医生具有自我报告的学习需求。来自调查的定性数据表明培训可能难以获得。从伦理上和医学上都明确需要委托西柴郡的更年期专业服务,所提议的模型是一种综合的整体护理模型。更年期护理和生殖后保健通常为基于结果的委托模式下的合作与伙伴关系提供机会。可以对本研究进行回顾并在其他领域进行复制以进行比较。



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