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The end of the demographic transition: relief or concern?


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In 1870, imperial France, crushed by Prussia, lost Alsace-Lorraine and was overrun by fear of decline. The culprit was quickly identified: "depopulation." Throughout the nineteenth century, while demographic growth had given neighboring countries anunprecedented dynamism, France, the most populous European country at the time of its Revolution, had seen its population stagnate. To exorcise this fear, in 1896 Jacques Bertillon and others created the National Alliance for the Growth of the French Population. In 1936, after the terrible losses of life in 1914-18 and 40 years of low fertility, it was renamed the National Alliance against Depopulation. In the disputes between nationalist ideals, pessimism had won out over the willingness to act. Eventoday, despite the baby boom between the early 1940s and the early 1970s, one can detect traces of this great fear of depopulation and related nationalist sentiments, strengthened by the fear of massive immigration. Another time, another fear: at the endof the 1950s, even as the industrial countries were in the midst of the baby boom, Western public opinion felt pressure from an entirely new threat, that of the population explosion of the developing world. The first world population projections published by the United Nations came as a bombshell: 6 billion people by the year 2000! A new menace was discovered, that of overpopulation. The population growth of developing countries had become, over and above the real problems that it posed, an object of xenophobic fantasies, all the more so because it was attributed to an excess of procreation: "the bed of misery is fertile," wrote Josue de Castro. This paved the way for Cartierism, but also for the cult of zero population growth and the follies of someecologists who assert that mankind would be happier if the population of the world were only a few hundred million.
机译:1870年,帝国法国在普鲁士的压制下失去了阿尔萨斯-洛林,并因担心衰落而被推翻。罪魁祸首很快被发现:“人口减少”。在整个19世纪,虽然人口增长给邻国带来了前所未有的活力,但法国(革命时期人口最多的欧洲国家)的人口却停滞不前。为了消除这种恐惧,雅克·伯蒂永(Jacques Bertillon)等人于1896年成立了法国人口增长全国联盟。 1936年,在1914-18年可怕的生命损失和40岁的低生育率之后,它更名为全国人口减少联盟。在民族主义理想之间的争执中,悲观主义胜于采取行动的意愿。最终,尽管在1940年代初至1970年代初之间出现了婴儿潮,但人们仍然可以发现这种对人口减少和相关民族主义情绪的巨大恐惧的痕迹,而这种恐惧由于对大规模移民的恐惧而加剧。另一时间,另一种担忧:在1950年代末期,即使工业国家正处于婴儿潮时期,西方舆论也感受到了来自一种全新威胁的压力,即发展中国家人口爆炸的压力。联合国发布的第一个世界人口预测是一个重磅炸弹:到2000年将有60亿人口!发现了一种新的威胁,即人口过剩。约瑟夫写道,发展中国家的人口增长已经超越了排外的现实问题,成为仇外幻想的对象,更是如此,因为它归因于过度繁殖:“苦难的土地肥沃”。卡斯特罗。这为卡地亚主义铺平了道路,也为零人口增长的崇拜和某些生态学家的愚蠢铺垫,他们宣称,如果世界上只有几亿人口,人类将会更加幸福。



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