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Sociodemographic and health profiles of the oldest old in China


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The number of oldest old persons in China, defined here as aged 80 and older, is calculated by the United Nations to climb from about 11.5 million in the year 2000 to 27 million in 2020, 39 million in 2030, 64 million in 2040, and 99 million in 2050. Under the UN's medium fertility assumption,2 the percent aged 65 and older is expected to increase from 6.9 in 2000 to 15.7 in 2030 and 22.7 in 2050, while the share of the oldest old which in 2000 is 13 percent of the elderly population will be some 30 percent in 2050. The main reason the number of oldest old will climb so quickly after 2030 is that China's "baby boomers," who were born in the 1950s and 1960s, will fall into the category of "oldest old" at that time. During 2000-50 the population ofthe oldest old will grow faster than any other age group in China. This phenomenon is not limited to China. The average annual rates of increase of oldest old persons between 2000 and 2050 are expected to be around 4.3 percent in China, India, and Mexicoand 2.2-2.8 percent in Canada, Japan, the United States, Germany, and France (UN 2001b). The rate of increase of the Chinese oldest old subpopulation is much faster (4.4 percent vs. 2.7 percent) than that of the entire elderly population aged 65 and old
机译:联合国计算,中国的老年人口(年龄在80岁以上)从2000年的约1150万增加到2020年的2700万,2030年的3900万,2040年的6400万,以及2050年为9900万。根据联合国的中等生育率假设,2 65岁及65岁以上的人口比例预计将从2000年的6.9%增至2030年的15.7和2050年的22.7,而2000年最老的人口所占比例为13%到2050年,老年人口将达到30%左右。最老的人口数量将在2030年之后如此迅速地上升的主要原因是,出生于1950年代和1960年代的中国“婴儿潮一代”将被列为“最老的一代”。当时”。在2000-50年间,中国最老的人口增长速度将超过任何其他年龄组。这种现象不仅限于中国。在2000年至2050年间,中国,印度和墨西哥的最年长老年人的年均增长率预计约为4.3%,而加拿大,日本,美国,德国和法国的年均增长率为2.2%至2.8%(UN 2001b)。中国65岁以上的老年人口的增长速度要快得多(4.4%比2.7%)(4.4%比2.7%)



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