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Waterfowl research in the spotlight: researchers are looking especially to improve breeding, production systems and nutrition


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The International Workshop on current goose and duck research, organised under the patronage of the Halle-Wittenberg University and the WPSA Working Group No. 8 "Waterfowl", was held on 13-15 November 2001 in Wermsdorf near Halle in Germany. The meeting was attended by researchers from Egypt, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Italy and Ukraine as well as numerous waterfowl farmers and breeders from Germany. In a plenary session paper, Prof Pingel, Dr Timmler and M Golze (Germany) reported that world production in 2000 stood at 2.77mt duck meat and 1.91mt goose meat. This represented 4.2 and 2.9 percent of the world total poultrymeat production (66mt), respectively. The major producers of waterfowl are shown in the table. The market demand for young waterfowl is limited by a relatively low proportion of breast muscles and a high proportion of subcutaneous fat in carcass. Direct selection for improved feed conversion rate should help to decrease the fat content of carcass and improve production efficiency. In fact, the composition of waterfowl fat is highly desirable, with a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. Although waterfowl producers follow the recommendations of the EU Standing Committee on the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes from June 1999, Prof Pingel said that not all the recommendations are approved.
机译:在哈勒-威登堡大学和WPSA第8工作组“水禽”的赞助下,于2001年11月13日至15日在德国哈勒附近的韦姆斯多夫举行了国际鹅和鸭研究国际研讨会。来自埃及,法国,德国,波兰,匈牙利,意大利和乌克兰的研究人员以及来自德国的众多水禽养殖者和育种者出席了会议。 Pingel教授,Timmler博士和M Golze(德国)在全体会议上报告说,2000年世界鸭肉产量为2.77公吨,鹅肉产量为1.91公吨。这分别占世界禽肉总产量(66公吨)的4.2%和2.9%。表中显示了水禽的主要生产国。对幼水禽的市场需求受到相对较低的胸肌比例和car体中较高比例的皮下脂肪的限制。直接选择以提高饲料转化率应有助于减少car体的脂肪含量并提高生产效率。实际上,非常需要水禽脂肪的组成,其中高比例的不饱和脂肪酸。尽管水禽生产者遵循了自1999年6月起欧盟关于保护以农业为目的的动物保护常设委员会的建议,但平格尔教授表示,并非所有建议都得到批准。



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