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Japan's broilermen face renovation


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Around 70 percent of broiler houses in Japan are more than 15 years old and need replacing but the cost is about three times as high as in the USA. Having slumped from 744 million in 1988 to 572m in 1998, broiler production in Japan has since been fairly steady. The total slaughtered in 2001 fell just a shade below 568m, though the estimate for this year foresees a recovery towards the 600m mark. Over the past four years, the volume of liveweight produced has stabilised at around 1.6 million tonnes.However, the actual average weight/bird continues to creep upwards, coming close to 2.74kg last year, which compares with 2.52kg back in 1988. However, nowadays it is estimated that more than 40m birds are slaughtered for the Kentucky Fried Chicken trade at an average liveweight of 1.7kg hence, the average for the other 93 percent of broilers will likely exceed 2.8kg.
机译:在日本,大约70%的肉鸡舍已经使用了15年以上,需要更换,但是成本大约是美国的三倍。日本的肉鸡产量从1988年的7.44亿下降到1998年的5.72亿,此后一直保持稳定。 2001年的屠杀总人数仅略低于5.68亿,尽管今年的估计数字预计将恢复到6亿。在过去的四年中,生产的活重量稳定在160万吨左右。然而,实际平均体重/禽鸟仍在上升,去年接近2.74千克,而1988年为2.52千克。 ,据目前估计,肯塔基肯德基交易中有超过4000万只鸡被屠宰,平均活重为1.7公斤,因此,其他93%的肉鸡的平均活重可能超过2.8公斤。



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