首页> 外文期刊>Polish journal of pharmacology >Is anorexia in thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis related to an altered brain serotonin concentration?

Is anorexia in thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis related to an altered brain serotonin concentration?


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Anorexia or loss of appetite, one of the most typical symptoms observed in experimental and human cirrhosis, has been proposed to be associated with altered brain serotonin (5-HT) metabolism. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, brain 5-HT, its precursor tryptophan (TRP) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid (5-HIAA) were measured in brains of rats with thioacetamide (TAA)-induced liver cirrhosis. Thioacetamide at a dose of 500 mg/l in drinking water was administered for 6 weeks and during this period food intake was carefully measured in order to monitor the loss of appetite or decrease in food intake observed in cirrhosis. Concentrations of brain TRP, 5-HT and 5-HIAA were measured by HPLC with electrochemical detection. In TAA-treated rats, concentrations of 5-HT, TRP and 5-HIAA were increased in brain (44%, 33% and 36% of controls, p < 0.01). In plasma and liver of cirrhotic rats, TRP levels were increased (195% and 43%; p < 0.01). Plasma glucose and albumin levels were decreased (50%; p <0.01 and 31%). Food intake, growth rate and locomotor activity of TAA-treated rats also decreased (73%, 22% and 73% of controls; p < 0.01). The results of this study show that brain 5-HT concentration in rats is increased in TAA-treated rats and it may, therefore, play an important role in the pathogenesis of anorexia associated with TAA-induced cirrhosis.
机译:厌食症或食欲不振是实验性肝硬化和人类肝硬化中最常见的症状之一,已被认为与脑5-羟色胺(5-HT)代谢改变有关。为了评估该假设,在硫代乙酰胺(TAA)诱发的肝硬化大鼠的大脑中测量了大脑5-HT,其前体色氨酸(TRP)及其代谢物5-羟基吲哚-乙酸(5-HIAA)。在饮用水中以500 mg / l的剂量服用硫乙酰胺,持续6周,在此期间仔细测量食物摄入量,以监测肝硬化患者食欲不振或食物摄入量减少。用电化学检测通过HPLC测量脑TRP,5-HT和5-HIAA的浓度。在接受TAA治疗的大鼠中,脑内5-HT,TRP和5-HIAA的浓度增加(对照组的44%,33%和36%,p <0.01)。在肝硬化大鼠的血浆和肝脏中,TRP水平升高(195%和43%; p <0.01)。血浆葡萄糖和白蛋白水平降低(50%; p <0.01和31%)。 TAA处理的大鼠的食物摄入,生长速度和运动能力也下降(对照组的73%,22%和73%; p <0.01)。这项研究的结果表明,在接受TAA治疗的大鼠中,大鼠脑内5-HT的浓度增加,因此在与TAA所致肝硬化相关的厌食症的发病机理中可能起重要作用。



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