首页> 外文期刊>plastics information europe >Global demand rises by 5.5% to over 6m t in 2011 / Asia is powerhouse of growth / China accounts for 40% of global output / Increased production of BOPP and BOPET / New investments in Peru, India / AMI report

Global demand rises by 5.5% to over 6m t in 2011 / Asia is powerhouse of growth / China accounts for 40% of global output / Increased production of BOPP and BOPET / New investments in Peru, India / AMI report

机译:2011年全球需求增长5.5%,达到600万吨以上/亚洲是增长的动力/中国占全球产量的40%/ BOPP和BOPET的产量增加/在秘鲁,印度的新投资/ AMI报告

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The global BOPP film industry continued to grow strongly during 2011 with demand increasing by 5.5% over 2010 to reach a record of over 6m t, according to a recent report titled "BOPP films - the global market" from plastics industry consultant Applied Market Information (AMI, Bristol / UK; www.amiplastics.com). Growth in demand was down slightly compared with 2010, which had seen a rebound from the financial crisis in most markets around the world. AMI says that global demand is being driven increasingly by the Asian market, particularly in China, India and Indonesia. With over 60% of BOPP used in food packaging, growth in demand in these countries for a wider variety of packaged foods sold in supermarkets is one of the principal drivers for the material.
机译:根据塑料行业顾问Applied Market Information(“ Applied Market Information”)最近发表的题为“ BOPP薄膜-全球市场”的报告,2011年,全球BOPP薄膜行业继续强劲增长,需求比2010年增长5.5%,达到创纪录的600万吨以上。 AMI,英国布里斯托尔; www.amiplastics.com)。与2010年相比,需求增长略有下降,2010年全球大多数市场都经历了金融危机的反弹。 AMI说,亚洲市场,尤其是中国,印度和印度尼西亚,对全球需求的驱动越来越大。由于BOPP的60%以上用于食品包装,因此这些国家对在超市出售的多种包装食品的需求增长是该材料的主要驱动力之一。



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