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California Man Fined,Sentenced to Prison For Illegal Transportation,Storage of PCE


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LOS ANGELES-A man who pleaded guilty to illegally transporting and storing perchloroethylene was sentenced Jan.25 to 37 months in prison and ordered to pay 1.29 million in restitution for cleanup costs(United States v.Kahoolyzadeh,C.D.Cal.,No.021089,1/25/06).According to the U.S.attorney for the Central District of California,Behzad Kahoolyzadeh was a associated with AAD Distribution,"one of the largest handlers of dry cleaning waste in California until it was shut down in January 2001."That company handled the pickup and disposal of perchloroethylene,a cancer-causing chemical used in dry cleaning processes and,according to the U.S.attorney's statement.The statement called perchloroethylene"the number one contaminant of groundwater in Southern California."Kahoolyzadeh pleaded guilty to two counts of illegal transportation of hazardous waste,two counts of illegal storage of that waste,and one count of conspiring to do so in March 2004.
机译:洛杉矶-一名男子因非法运输和储存四氯乙烯而被判有罪,他于1月25日被判处37个月监禁,并责令其支付129万美元的清理费用(美国诉Kahoolyzadeh,CDCal。,第021089号, 2006年1月25日)。根据美国加利福尼亚中央区检察官的说法,Behzad Kahoolyzadeh与AAD Distribution有关,AAD Distribution是“加利福尼亚最大的干洗废物处理者之一,直到2001年1月被关闭。”根据美国律师的声明,该公司负责全氯乙烯的提取和处置。全氯乙烯是一种用于干洗过程的致癌化学物质。该声明称全氯乙烯是“南加州地下水的第一大污染物。” Kahoolyzadeh承认两项罪名成立2004年3月,非法运输危险废物的罪名,两项非法储存危险废物的罪名以及一项密谋这样做的罪名。



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