首页> 外文期刊>Plant Genetic Resources Characterization and Utilization >Temporal diversity changes among 198 Nordic bread wheat landraces and cultivars detected by retrotransposon-based S-SAP analysis.

Temporal diversity changes among 198 Nordic bread wheat landraces and cultivars detected by retrotransposon-based S-SAP analysis.


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The sequence-specific amplified polymorphism (S-SAP) method was used to genotype 198 Nordic bread wheat landraces and cultivars from the 19th to the 21st centuries. It was shown that the Sukkula-9900-LARD retrotransposon primer was highly suitable for resolving closely related wheat materials. Cluster analysis was generally consistent with pedigree information and revealed a clear separation for growth habit but not for countries. A principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) showed a separation into different time periods (before 1910, 1910-1969 and 1970-2003). These results are consistent with the breeding history and pedigree information, indicating that little hybridization has occurred between winter and spring wheat, in contrast to frequent exchange of germplasm between the Nordic countries. Estimates of gene diversity, the PCoA results, and changes in band frequencies across time indicate that plant breeding has led to substantial genetic shifts in Nordic wheat. Diversity was reduced through selections from landraces during the early 20th century, followed by a period of relatively lower genetic diversity, and a subsequent increase and net gains in diversity from the late 1960s onwards through the use of exotic germplasm. Thus, an anticipated loss of overall genetic diversity was found to be negligible, although allele losses have occurred at specific loci.



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