首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Aeolian activity in the south margin of the Tengger Desert in northern China since the Late Glacial Period revealed by luminescence chronology

Aeolian activity in the south margin of the Tengger Desert in northern China since the Late Glacial Period revealed by luminescence chronology


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Aeolian sediments from deserts in northern China have been widely used in the study of aeolian sedimentology and its dynamic association with past climate conditions. The Tengger Desert, the fourth-largest desert in China, is sensitive to the waxing and waning of the Asian monsoonal system. Previous attempts to date aeolian deposits in the Tengger Desert concentrated solely on local scales, and only a limited number of dates have subsequently been made available. Accordingly, past sand dune activity in this desert remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to conduct a detailed historical investigation of aeolian activity in this region since the late glacial period and potential forcing mechanisms that governed the desert's evolution. For this purpose, we collected and dated eighteen samples from different geological sections along a west-east transect in the desert's southern margin using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Our results, in combination with previous aeolian sediment chronologies, show that sand dune accumulation occurred before 10 ka, sandy loess developed between 10 and 6 ka when sand dunes stabilized as a result of increased effective moisture levels, and sand dunes again mobilized from 3 ka onwards as a result of increased aridity. Findings indicate that aeolian activity at the southern margin of the Tengger Desert was closely associated with Asian monsoon circulation. Moreover, the transition between mobilization and stabilization of sand dunes demonstrates the significance of effective moisture, which is influenced by both monsoon precipitation and local convection and evaporation effects, interacting together to control aeolian activity. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:来自中国北方沙漠的风沙沉积物已被广泛用于风沙沉积学及其与过去气候条件的动态联系研究。腾格沙漠是中国第四大沙漠,对亚洲季风系统的起伏变化敏感。腾格里沙漠以前对风成沉积物进行测年的尝试仅集中在当地范围,随后仅提供了有限的测年数。因此,对该沙漠过去的沙丘活动仍然知之甚少。这项研究的目的是对自冰河晚期以来该地区的风沙活动进行详细的历史调查,并研究控制沙漠演变的潜在强迫机制。为此,我们使用光学激发发光(OSL)沿沙漠南部边缘的东西向样带收集了来自不同地质剖面的18个样品并标了日期。我们的结果与以前的风沙沉积时间相结合,表明沙丘堆积发生在10 ka之前,当沙丘由于有效水分含量增加而稳定时,沙土在10至6 ka之间发育,沙丘再次从3 ka开始活动由于干旱增加。研究结果表明,腾格里沙漠南缘的风成活动与亚洲季风环流密切相关。此外,沙丘的动员和稳定之间的过渡表明了有效水分的重要性,该水分受季风降水和局部对流和蒸发作用的共同影响,共同控制风沙活动。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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