首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Palaeoclimatic implications from micro-facies data of a 5900 varve time series from the Pianico interglacial sediment record, southern Alps

Palaeoclimatic implications from micro-facies data of a 5900 varve time series from the Pianico interglacial sediment record, southern Alps


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Varve micro-facies analyses have been carried out on a 405-cm-thick annually laminated sediment sequence from the Pianico palaeolake in the southern Alps considered to correlate with the MIS 11 interglacial. This varve counted interval represents the uppermost 5900 yr of a ca 400 kyr old interglacial lacustrine deposit with a minimum length of 16,000 varve years. Intercalated in the varve succession are: (i) detrital layers, (ii) debris flows (slump deposits), and (iii) micritic calcite layers. The annual couplets are composed of a dominant light summer layer of biochemically precipitated calcite and a thin dark winter layer consisting of organic and minerogenic detritus. Microscopic correlation of individual couplets in two outcrops 130 m apart demonstrated basin-wide continuity of varve deposition. Summer layers have been found to be composed of up to four sub-layers differing in grain size, most likely reflecting discrete pulses of calcite precipitation. Two long periods of pronounced decreases in varve thickness occur within the interglacial (1100 varve years) and during the decline of full interglacial conditions (480 varve years) suggesting colder climatic conditions. The decreases in varve thickness are further accompanied by changes in the pattern of summer sub-layering. The first cold interval reflects an exceptionally long intra-interglacial climatic fluctuation indicating a mode of climatic variability different from the present interglacial. Wavelet analyses of seasonal layer thickness data revealed that periodic variations of solar activity (88-yr and 208-yr cycles) and probably of thermohaline circulation (512-yr cycle) impact on varve formation at certain intervals of the studied time window. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在阿尔卑斯山南部Pianico古湖的年厚度405厘米的层状沉积物序列上进行了变位微相分析,该序列被认为与MIS 11间冰期有关。该脉管计数间隔代表了一个约有400年历史的冰间湖相湖床沉积的最上部5900年,最小长度为16,000个脉管年。插在瓣膜序列中的是:(i)碎屑层,(ii)泥石流(坍落度沉积物),和(iii)隐晶方解石层。年生couple联由占主导地位的生化方解石浅色夏季层和由有机和成矿碎屑组成的深色冬季薄层组成。相距130 m的两个露头中个别couple联的微观相关性表明,整个盆地内的沉积物具有连续性。已发现夏季层由多达四个粒径不同的子层组成,最有可能反映方解石沉淀的离散脉冲。在冰间期(1100脉年)和整个冰间期条件的下降(480脉年)期间,出现了两个长期的大幅度厚度下降,这表明气候条件较冷。瓣膜厚度的减少还伴有夏季亚层模式的变化。第一个冷期反映出异常长的冰间期气候波动,表明与当前冰期不同的气候变化模式。对季节性层厚度数据的小波分析显示,太阳活动(88年和208年周期)的周期性变化以及热盐环流(512年周期)的周期性变化会在研究的时间窗口的某些间隔影响阀门的形成。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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