首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Coccolithophorid ecostratigraphy and multi-proxy paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Southern Adriatic Sea during the last deglacial time (Core AD91-17)

Coccolithophorid ecostratigraphy and multi-proxy paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Southern Adriatic Sea during the last deglacial time (Core AD91-17)


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A very detailed environmental history of the last deglaciation and the Holocene is recorded in a high sedimentation rate core collected in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Core AD91-17). The stratigraphic framework, based on radiocarbon dating (~(14)C AMS) and the oxygen isotope record, allows recognition of the paleoceanographic changes of the last 16 200 years. Fluctuations within the coccolithophorid assemblage identify five intervals that can be correlated to major changes in the planktonic foraminifera records. Recognition of the same zonation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea suggests that they are truly basin-wide ecozones rather than local events. Interpretation of the paleoceanographic meaning of these coccolithophorid ecozones, together with planktonic and benthic foraminifera, dinocyst, pollen, magnetic parameters, oxygen isotopes and alkenone unsaturation indexes, outlines fluctuations related to different paleoclimatic phases. In particular, from 16 200 to about 11 670 yr BPnc all proxies register cold conditions with a well-ventilated sea bottom. A gradual sea-surface temperature (SST) increase characterized the period between 11 670 and 10 800 yr BPnc, followed by a slight cooling coincident with the beginning of the Younger Dryas. Between 8650 and 6560 yr BPnc, corresponding to sapropel S1 formation, all proxies register a transition to warmer climate. Sea-surface productivity reached maximum values, while evidence for development of low salinity superficial waters and of a deep chlorophyll maximum is observed. The multi-proxy analysis suggests the presence of at least three phases in the S1 sapropel itself. The first part of the sapropel is characterized by high nutrient availability, warm stratified waters and severe bottom anoxia. Between 7650 and 7500 yr BPnc, corresponding to an interruption of the sapropel, we observe a rapid reoxygenation at the seafloor when SST warmed. Just after the sapropel interruption, and particularly between 7400 and 7250 yr BPnc, a slight climatic deterioration, an increase of salinity and a decrease of runoff are observed. At the top part of the sapropel, eutrophic environments, a well-stratified euphonic zone and dysoxic conditions at the bottom are identified. From 6560 to 5080 yr BPnc, conditions became more oligotrophic and SST reached a maximum, while a slight increase of superficial water salinity may suggest the end of stratified waters and the beginning of water column mixing. Finally, between 5080 and 2240 yr BPnc all proxies indicate warm and normal salinity waters. The bottom environment returned to normal oxygenated conditions.
机译:最后一次冰消和全新世的非常详细的环境历史记录在南部亚得里亚海(AD91-17岩心)中高沉积速率的岩心中。基于放射性碳测年(〜(14)C AMS)和氧同位素记录的地层学框架可以识别过去16 200年的古海洋变化。球隐藻类组合内的波动确定了五个区间,这些区间可以与浮游有孔虫记录的主要变化相关。对东地中海地区的相同分区的认识表明,它们确实是整个盆地范围的生态区,而不是局部事件。这些球墨石藻生境带的古海洋意义的解释,以及浮游和底栖有孔虫,藻类,花粉,磁参数,氧同位素和烯酮不饱和指数,概述了与不同古气候阶段有关的波动。特别是从16200年到大约11670年的BPnc,所有代理都记录到海底通风良好的寒冷条件。海平面温度(SST)逐渐升高的特征是在11670和10800年BPnc之间出现了一段时间,随后伴随着年轻树妖的开始略有冷却。在8650至6560年的BPnc期间(对应于腐腐质S1的形成),所有代理均记录到向温暖气候的过渡。海面生产力达到最大值,同时观察到低盐度浅层水域发展和深叶绿素最大值的证据。多代理分析表明,S1腐草素本身中至少存在三相。腐殖质的第一部分特征在于养分利用率高,分层水温和底部严重缺氧。在7650至7500年的BPnc之间(对应于腐殖质的中断),当SST变暖时,我们在海底观察到快速的重新充氧。刚好在腐泥层中断后,特别是在7400至7250年BPnc之间,观测到轻微的气候恶化,盐度增加和径流减少。在腐殖质富营养化环境的顶部,确定了分层良好的回音带和底部的低氧环境。在6560至5080年的BPnc时期,条件变得更加贫营养,SST达到最大值,而表层水盐度的轻微增加可能表明分层水的结束和水柱混合的开始。最后,在5080至2240年BPnc之间,所有代理均指示温暖和正常盐度的水域。底部环境恢复到正常的含氧条件。



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