首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Vegetation history, climatic changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution during the Last Glaciation (36,400–13,400 cal yr BP) documented by sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China

Vegetation history, climatic changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution during the Last Glaciation (36,400–13,400 cal yr BP) documented by sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China

机译:由中国云南省星云湖沉积物记录的末次冰川时期(36,400-13,400 cal BP)的植被历史,气候变化和印度夏季风演变

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We obtained a 9.74-m-long sediment core (XY08A) from Xingyun Lake in central Yunnan Province, southwest China, and used AMS radiocarbon dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils to provide a chronology. Here we present the results of pollen and grain size analyses of the interval ~36,400–13,400 cal yr BP and discuss the vegetation history, and record of climate change associated with the evolution of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). Three stages of regional vegetation change are documented: (i) During the late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (36,400–29,200 cal yr BP), the study regionwas occupied by mixed coniferous and evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by Pinus and evergreen Quercus, with Tsuga, Abies/Picea growing on the surrounding mountains. (ii) During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 29,200–17,600 cal yr BP), cold-temperate coniferous forest dominated by species of Abies/Picea expanded and reached amaximumextent; and at the same time, the extent of evergreen broadleaved forest increased. (iii) From17,600 to 13,400 cal yr BP the hemlock forest and Abies/Picea forest began to decline until they disappeared completely in the early phase of the Last Deglaciation, while pine forest and evergreen broadleaved forest dominated the surrounding areas. The vegetation history indicates a generally drying climate from 36,400 to 13,400 cal yr BP, suggesting a gradual weakening of the ISM with the weakest ISM influence occurring during the early part of the Last Deglaciation, when the climate was the driest. The regional temperature first decreased intermittently and then increased gradually, being mild and wet during the late MIS3 stage followed by the coldest but not the driest climate during the LGM when the temperature was at least 3 °C lower than at present.
机译:我们从中国西南部云南省星云湖获得了一个9.74米长的沉积岩心(XY08A),并使用陆生植物大化石的AMS放射性碳测年来提供年代学。在这里,我们介绍了约BP 36,400–13,400 cal BP间隔的花粉和粒度分析结果,并讨论了植被历史以及与印度夏季风(ISM)演变相关的气候变化记录。记录了区域植被变化的三个阶段:(i)在海洋同位素第3阶段的晚期(36,400–29,200 cal BP)期间,该研究区域被松树和常绿栎为主的针叶和常绿阔叶混交林所占据,而津贺属,生长在周围群山上的冷杉/毕加索。 (ii)在最后一次冰期最高峰(LGM,29,200–17,600 cal BP)期间,以冷杉树种/毕加索树种为主的冷温针叶林扩大并达到最大程度;同时,常绿阔叶林的面积增加了。 (iii)从BP的17600到13400 cal年,铁杉林和冷杉林/毕加索林开始衰落,直到在最后一次冰消初期就完全消失,而松林和常绿阔叶林主导了周围地区。植被历史表明,从BP到36400到13400 cal yr的气候总体上是干燥的,这表明ISM逐渐减弱,而ISM的影响最弱是在上次冰期的早期,那时气候是最干燥的。区域温度首先间歇性地降低,然后逐渐升高,在MIS3后期处于温和湿润的状态,随后是LGM期间最冷但不是最干燥的气候,此时温度至少比当前低3°C。



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