首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Trace metal signatures of Jurassic/Cretaceous black shales from the Norwegian Shelf and the Barents Sea

Trace metal signatures of Jurassic/Cretaceous black shales from the Norwegian Shelf and the Barents Sea


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Black shale samples of Jurassic to Cretaceous age recovered during the 'Norwegian Shelf Drilling Program' between 1987 and 1991 from Sites 7430/10-U-01 (Barents Sea), 6814/04-U-02 (Norwegian Shelf near the Lofoten) and 6307/07-U-02 (Norwegian Shelf near Trondheim) were analyzed for major and trace elements. These laminated black shales are characterized by high total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulfur (TS) contents as well as by significant enrichments in several redox-sensitive and/or sulfide-forming trace metals (Ag, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Re, Sb, Tl, U, V, and Zn). Enrichment factors relative to 'average shale' are comparable to those found in Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (CTBE) black shales and Mediterranean sapropels. The Re content is high in the studied black shales, with maximum values up to 1221 ng/g. Re/Mo ratios averaging 2.3 * 10~(-3) are close to the seawater value. High trace metal enrichments and Re/Mo ratios close to the seawater value point to a dominantly anoxic and sulfidic water column during black shale formation. Interbeds with higher Re/Mo ratios, especially in high-resolution sampled core sections, point to brief periods of suboxic conditions. Additionally, enhanced Zn concentrations in the black shales from the Barents Sea support the assumption that hydrothermal activity was also high during black shale deposition. Trace metal signatures of black shales at different drill sites on a transect along the Norwegian Shelf are not only influenced by water depth but also by their location in the boreal realm. Metal enrichments are higher in the northern compared to the southern sites. Volgian (=Tithonian 151-144 Ma BP) black shales exhibit elevated trace metal contents in comparison to their Berriasian (144-137 Ma BP) counterparts. This probably reflects a change in the circulation pattern during periods of black shale formation. Therefore different paleoceanographic conditions probably controlled by climatic change linked to the transgression of the paleo-sealevel and the North Atlantic opening, may have developed from the Volgian to the Berriasian.
机译:在1987年至1991年的“挪威大陆架钻探计划”期间,从7430 / 10-U-01(巴伦支海),6814 / 04-U-02(罗弗敦附近的挪威大陆架)和分析了6307 / 07-U-02(特隆赫姆附近的挪威架子)中的主要和微量元素。这些层状黑色页岩的特征是总有机碳(TOC)和总硫(TS)含量高,并且对几种氧化还原敏感和/或形成硫化物的痕量金属(Ag,Bi,Cd,Co,Cr (Cu,Mo,Ni,Re,Sb,T1,U,V和Zn)。相对于“平均页岩”的富集因子与在塞诺曼尼亚-土伦边界事件(CTBE)黑色页岩和地中海腐殖质中发现的富集因子相当。在研究的黑色页岩中,Re含量很高,最大值高达1221 ng / g。 Re / Mo比平均为2.3 * 10〜(-3),接近海水值。较高的痕量金属富集度和接近海水值的Re / Mo比表明黑色页岩形成过程中主要是缺氧和硫化水柱。具有较高Re / Mo比的夹层,特别是在高分辨率采样岩心剖面中,指出了短期的低氧条件。另外,来自巴伦支海的黑色页岩中锌浓度的增加支持了这样的假设,即黑色页岩沉积过程中热液活动也很高。沿挪威大陆架横断面上不同钻孔位置的黑色页岩的微量金属特征不仅受水深的影响,而且还受其在北方地区的位置的影响。与南部站点相比,北部站点的金属富集度更高。与它们的Berriasian(144-137 Ma BP)相比,Volgian(= Tithonian 151-144 Ma BP)黑色页岩的痕量金属含量更高。这可能反映了黑色页岩形成期间循环模式的变化。因此,可能是由Volgian到Berriasian形成了不同的古海洋条件,可能是由气候变化控制的,该气候变化与古海平面的变化和北大西洋的开放有关。



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