首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Sedimentology, taphonomy, and palaeoecology of a laminated plattenkalk from the Kimmeridgian of the northern Franconian Alb (southern Germany)

Sedimentology, taphonomy, and palaeoecology of a laminated plattenkalk from the Kimmeridgian of the northern Franconian Alb (southern Germany)


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At Wattendorf in the northern Franconian Alb, southern Germany, centimetre- to decimetre-thick packages of finely laminated limestones (plattenkalk) occur intercalated between well bedded graded grainstones and rudstones that blanket a relief produced by now dolomtitized microbialite-sponge reefs. These beds reach their greatest thickness in depressions between topographic highs and thin towards, and finally disappear on, the crests. The early Late Kimmeridgian graded packstone-bindstone alternations represent the earliest plattenkalk occurrence in southern Germany. The undisturbed lamination of the sediment strongly points to oxygen-free conditions on the seafloor and within the sediment, inimical to higher forms of life. The plattenkalk contains a diverse biota of benthic and nektonic organisms. Excavation of a 13 cm thick plattenkalk unit across an area of 80 m(2) produced 3500 fossils, which, with the exception of the bivalve Aulacomyella, exhibit a random stratigraphic distribution. Two-thirds of the individuals had a benthic mode of life attached to hard substrate. This seems to contradict the evidence of oxygen-free conditions on the sea floor, such as undisturbed lamination, presence of articulated skeletons, and preservation of soft parts. However, palaeoecological and taphonomic analyses indicate that the benthic faunal elements are allochthonous having settled out of suspension and thus must have been derived from hard substrate areas of neighbouring topographic highs. Solely the bivalve Aulacomyella, which occurs concentrated on a single bedding plane, may have colonised the plattenkalk depression during brief periods of oxygenation. Alternatively, a pseudoplanktonic mode of life, attached to floating sea weed, is envisaged for the bivalve. The formation of the plattenkalk is related to local and global factors: a drop in relative sea level caused the death of the microbialite-sponge reefs. Restricted circulation in depressions between the crests of the former reefs led to anoxic conditions and the formation of finely laminated sediments stabilised by microbial mats. The small depressions received sediment and skeletal elements of benthic organisms that were swept off neighbouring topographic highs by storms and that entered the depressions partly as turbidity currents, partly as suspension clouds. A rise in the relative sea level finally terminated the restricted circulation in the depressions and closed the taphonomic window that led to the preservation of the plattenkalk biota. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在德国南部Franconian Alb的Wattendorf,几厘米至分米厚的精细层压石灰石(plattenkalk)包裹插在层状渐层的粒石和鲁斯特石之间,这些砾石覆盖了白云石化的微白云母海绵礁所产生的浮雕。这些床层在地形高点和薄弱的凹陷之间达到最大厚度,并最终消失在波峰上。早期的Kimmeridgian分级的堆积石-灰泥石交替代表了德国南部最早的plattenkalk发生。沉积物不受干扰的分层强烈指示了海底和沉积物内部的无氧条件,不利于更高的生命形式。 platkkalk包含底栖生物和中枢生物的不同生物群。在一个80 m(2)的区域内开挖一个13厘米厚的plattenkalk单元,产生了3500个化石,除了双壳类Aulacomyella之外,还显示出随机的地层分布。三分之二的人的底栖生活模式附着在坚硬的底物上。这似乎与海床无氧条件的证据相矛盾,例如无干扰的覆膜,铰接的骨架的存在以及软部件的保存。但是,古生态学和高原学分析表明,底栖动物区系是异源的,已经从悬浮体中沉降出来,因此必定是来自邻近地形高点的坚硬底物区域。仅在单一的垫层平面上出现的双壳双壳动物铝单胞菌可能在短暂的氧合作用期间已定居在小白鼠抑郁症中。可替代地,对于双壳动物,设想了附着于浮游海草的拟浮游生物生活模式。高原k的形成与局部和全球因素有关:相对海平面的下降导致了微辉石海绵的死亡。前礁顶之间的凹陷中有限的循环导致缺氧条件,并形成了由微生物垫稳定的精细层压沉积物。小洼地接收底栖生物的沉积物和骨骼元素,这些沉积物和底栖生物被暴风雨冲刷到邻近的地形高点,部分进入该洼地的是浑浊流,部分是悬浮云。相对海平面的上升最终终止了凹陷中的受限循环,并关闭了通透性窗口,从而保护了plattenkalk生物区系。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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