首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental conditions in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) inferred from calcitic and aragonitic land snail shells and bird bones

Late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental conditions in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) inferred from calcitic and aragonitic land snail shells and bird bones


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Aragonitic and calcitic land snails from carbonate-rich paleosols in northwestern Lanzarote (Canary Islands) were analyzed for ~(13)C/~(12)C and ~(18)O/~(16)O ratios to deduce the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the westernmost Sahara zone. Modern, mid-late Holocene (~2.1-5.5calka BP) and late Pleistocene (~23.3-24.0calka BP) aragonitic shells exhibited respective values of -9.5±1.6‰, -7.7±1.5‰, and -2.3±2.8‰ for δ~(13)C; and +0.3±0.3‰, +0.1±0.7‰, and +2.5±0.4‰ for δ~(18)O. Holocene and Pleistocene calcitic shells of the endemic slug Cryptella canariensis showed respective values of -0.7±2.6‰ and -8.5±2.5‰ for δ~(13)C; and +0.8±1.5 and +3.6±0.4‰ for δ~(18)O. Both aragonitic and calcitic shells showed equivalent temporal isotopic trends. Higher δ~(13)C values during ~23.3-24.0calka BP suggest higher abundance of C_4 and/or CAM plants, likely associated with drier conditions and/or lower atmospheric CO_2 concentration. Maximum shell δ~(18)O values during ~23.3-24.0calka BP opposes minimal values of Greenland ice cores and probably reflect the combined effects of (1) higher rain δ~(18)O values linked to higher glacial seawater δ~(18)O values and/or larger snail activity during summer seasons; (2) relative humidity values similar or slightly lower than at present; (3) higher evaporation rates; and (4) cooler temperatures. Bone remains of the extinct Dune Shearwater Puffinus holeae were only recovered from the Holocene bed. Collagen δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N values (-13.5±0.2‰[PDB] and +13.7±1.0‰[air], respectively) match with the signature of a low trophic level Macaronesian seabird that fed upon local fish. Bone carbonate δ~(13)C (-7.4±1.0‰[PDB]) and phosphate δ~(18)O (+18.2±0.4‰[SMOW]) values exhibited pristine signals denoting their potential value in future paleoenvironmental studies in the region. The age of P. holeae (~2.1-2.7calka BP) supports that the aboriginal population possibly caused its extinction. In contrast, the extinction of the endemic helicid Theba sp. (~23.3-24.0calka BP) was likely caused by environmental change.
机译:分析了兰萨罗特岛西北部(加那利群岛)富含碳酸盐的古土壤中的和钙质陆蜗牛的〜(13)C /〜(12)C和〜(18)O /〜(16)O比值,从而得出更新世-全新世在最西端的撒哈拉沙漠过渡。现代,中晚全新世(〜2.1-5.5calka BP)和晚更新世(〜23.3-24.0calka BP)的古生物壳分别具有-9.5±1.6‰,-7.7±1.5‰和-2.3±2.8‰的值。 δ〜(13)C; δ〜(18)O为+ 0.3±0.3‰,+ 0.1±0.7‰和+ 2.5±0.4‰。 ari ~~(13)C的地方性鼻can加拿大隐孢子虫的全新世和更新世钙质壳分别为-0.7±2.6‰和-8.5±2.5‰; δ〜(18)O为+ 0.8±1.5和+ 3.6±0.4‰。钙质和钙质壳均表现出同等的时间同位素趋势。在约23.3-24.0calka BP期间较高的δ〜(13)C值表明C_4和/或CAM植物的丰度较高,可能与更干燥的条件和/或较低的大气CO_2浓度有关。在〜23.3-24.0calka BP期间,最大壳δ〜(18)O值与格陵兰冰芯的最小值相反,并且可能反映了(1)较高的降雨δ〜(18)O值与较高的冰川海水δ〜( 18)夏季的O值和/或更大的蜗牛活动; (2)相对湿度值接近或略低于目前; (3)更高的蒸发速度; (4)温度较低。灭绝的沙丘水松海雀科的骨头残骸仅从全新世床中被发现。胶原蛋白δ〜(13)C和δ〜(15)N值(分别为-13.5±0.2‰[PDB]和+ 13.7±1.0‰[air])与饲喂低营养级马卡罗尼海鸟的特征相符当地的鱼。碳酸盐的δ〜(13)C(-7.4±1.0‰[PDB])和磷酸盐的δ〜(18)O(+ 18.2±0.4‰[SMOW])值显示出原始信号,表明它们在未来的古环境研究中具有潜在价值。地区。霍乱假单胞菌的年龄(〜2.1-2.7calka BP)支持原住民种群可能导致其灭绝。相反,地方性螺旋藻Theba sp。的灭绝。 (〜23.3-24.0calka BP)可能是环境变化引起的。



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