首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Foraminiferal morphogroups as a tool to approach the Toarcian Anoxic Event in the Western Saharan Atlas (Algeria)

Foraminiferal morphogroups as a tool to approach the Toarcian Anoxic Event in the Western Saharan Atlas (Algeria)


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The present contribution constitutes the first morphogroup analysis of foraminiferal assemblages applied to the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) in the Maghreb region, which represented the northern palaeomargin of Gondwana. The ecostratigraphic and palaeoecologic analysis of the foraminiferal assemblages has allowed interpretation of the evolution of the biotic crisis associated with the T-OAE in the Saharan Atlas deposits and the recovery of foraminiferal assemblages in the sea-bottom after the event. The foraminiferal assemblages of the Uppermost Pliensbachian (Emaciatum Zone) represent optimum ecological conditions (good oxygen and nutrient availability in the infaunal microhabitats) as evidenced by the high diversity of K-strategists and the low diversity of r-strategists (representing a minor proportion in the assemblages). The beginning of the Toarcian (Polymorphum Zone) shows an initial phase of unstabilization of the benthic environment, affecting some particular species while opportunistic forms proliferate (Epistomina and Lenticulina). Variations in the oxygenation degree affecting the infaunal microhabitat favoured stress-tolerant species with extensive niche such as Lenticulina and Eoguttulina. Later, a benthic azoic interval includes the lower part of the Levisoni Zone. In this interval, a slight increase of total organic carbon (TOC) values recorded can be related to dysoxic or anoxic conditions in low-oxygen bottom-water, beyond the ecological tolerance of opportunist forms. After the benthic mass extinction interval, a slow colonisation is registered (upper part of the Levisoni Zone) with a dominance of r-type strategists (Lenticulina, Reinholdella and Eoguttulina).
机译:本文稿构成了应用于马格里布地区Toarcian海洋缺氧事件(T-OAE)的有孔虫组合的第一个形态组分析,该区域代表冈瓦纳的北部古边缘。对有孔虫组合的生态地层和古生态学分析可以解释与撒哈拉沙漠地图集沉积物中T-OAE有关的生物危机的演变以及事件发生后海底有孔虫组合的恢复。最上端的Pliensbachian(有蹄类动物区)的有孔虫组合代表了最佳的生态条件(在主要的微生境中有良好的氧气和养分利用率),这由K-策略师的高度多样性和r-策略师的较低多样性(仅占很小的比例)所证明。集合)。 ar鱼(Polymorphum Zone)的开始显示了底栖环境不稳定的初始阶段,在机会主义形式(埃皮斯通纳和Lenticulina)激增的同时,对某些特定物种产生了影响。氧合度的变化会影响主要的微生境,因此有利于具有广泛生态位的耐胁迫物种,例如Lenticulina和Eoguttulina。后来,底栖偶氮层段包括了Levisoni区的下部。在此间隔内,记录的总有机碳(TOC)值略有增加可能与低氧底水中的缺氧或缺氧条件有关,超出了机会主义形式的生态容忍度。在底栖生物大灭绝之后,缓慢的定殖(Levisoni区的上部)以r型战略家(小扁豆,雷氏菌和嗜盐菌)为主。



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