首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >AMS-~(14)C chronology of 40.0 cal ka BP continuous deposits from a crater lake (Lake Massoko, Tanzania) Modern water balance and environmental implications

AMS-~(14)C chronology of 40.0 cal ka BP continuous deposits from a crater lake (Lake Massoko, Tanzania) Modern water balance and environmental implications

机译:火山口湖(坦桑尼亚马萨科湖)40.0 cal ka BP连续沉积物的AMS-〜(14)C年代学现代水量平衡及其对环境的影响

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Lake Massoko, Tanzania (8°20'S, 33°45'E; 870 m a.s.l.) is a freshwater maar lake belonging to the Rungwe volcanic area, 15 km nothwest of the Livingstone Mountains and Lake Malawi. The rainfall regime is driven by the yearly oscillation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, which determines a wet summer and a dry and windy winter. The presence of Lake Malawi to the south, and high ranges to the north result in a higher annual precipitation than that observed at a regional scale. Air masses overloaded with humidity bypassing Lake Malawi are submitted to ascending currents, producing rainfall up to 2400 mm yr~(-1) in the Lake Massoko area. Immportant exchanges between the lake and groundwater reservoirs have been demonstrated from hydrological and isotopic balances of Lake Massoko on a regional scale. These exchanges are superimposed on groundwater circulation. The hydrological setting of Lake Masoko is also influenced by the tectonics of the region dominated by the northwest/southeast tilt of tectonic blocks. The sedimentary sequences of Lake Massoko cored in 1995 and 1996 under the EEC-project RUKWA [RUKWA Project-Final Report, 1997] likely register the palaeoenvironmental changes on the catchment. The sediment record is nearly continuous due to the near-constant high water level of the lake. In contrast with many other lacustrine sequences, in which reduced deposition rates, discrepancies and/or gaps characterise arid periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum and the Younger Dryas event, all the AMS-~(14)C dtes on authigenic organic samples fit with the stratigraphy, and the palaoenviromental record of Lake Massoko exhibits a constant mean sedimentation rate of 0.682 mm yr~(-1) for the last ca. 40 cal ka BP.
机译:坦桑尼亚马索科湖(南纬8°20',东经33°45'; 870 m a.s.l.)是属于Rungwe火山区的淡水玛尔湖,位于利文斯通山脉和马拉维湖西北15公里处。降雨状况是由热带收敛带的年振荡驱动的,这决定了一个潮湿的夏天和一个干燥多风的冬天。南部有马拉维湖,北部有高山脉,导致年降水量高于区域尺度。绕过马拉维湖的空气中充满了湿气的空气团不断上升,在马索科湖地区产生高达2400 mm yr〜(-1)的降雨。湖泊和地下水水库之间的重要交换已从马萨科湖的区域水文和同位素平衡中得到证明。这些交换叠加在地下水循环上。 Masoko湖的水文环境还受到构造块西北/东南倾斜主导的区域构造的影响。在EEC项目RUKWA [RUKWA项目最终报告,1997]下,1995年和1996年为核心的马索科湖的沉积序列可能记录了该流域的古环境变化。由于湖泊水位接近恒定,沉积物记录几乎是连续的。与许多其他湖相沉积序列相反,在沉积序列中,沉积速率降低,差异和/或间隙是干旱时期的特征,例如最后一次冰期最大值和年轻树妖事件,所有自生有机样品上的所有AMS-〜(14)C均适合马索科湖的地层学和古环境记录显示,最后一个沉积期的平均沉积速率恒定为0.682 mm yr〜(-1)。 40 cal ka BP。



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