首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Monitoring the variations of the Socotra upwelling system during the last 250 kyr: A biogenic and geochemical approach

Monitoring the variations of the Socotra upwelling system during the last 250 kyr: A biogenic and geochemical approach


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A combination of changes in the species composition of the radiolarian populations, and in the sediment chemical composition (content and mass accumulation rates of carbonate, organic carbon, and selected major and trace elements, with special attention paid to Ba) is used to reconstruct the variations in upwelling activity over the last 250 kyr in the Socotra gyre area (Somali-Socotra upwelling system, NW Indian Ocean).In the Socotra gyre (Core MD 962073 at 10 degrees N), the variations in upwelling intensity are reconstructed by the upwelling radiolarian index (URT) while the thermocline/surface radiolarian index (TSRI) testifies to productivity variations during non-upwelling intervals. Despite an origin related both to marine and terrigenous inputs, the geochemical records of organic carbon, silica, and trace elements (Ba, P, Cu, and Zn) normalized to Al are controlled by the variations in surface paleoproductivity. The data indicate a continuous increase in upwelling intensity during the last 250 kyr with a maximum activity within the MIS 3, while high productivity periods in between the upwelling seasons occurred both during glacial and interglacial intervals.A comparison of our data with published observations from another gyre of the Somalian upwelling area located at 5 degrees N in the Somali gyre area shows differences regarding periods of upwelling activity and their geochemical imprint. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain these differences: (1) changes in the planktonic community, resulting in more silica-rich deposits in the Socotra gyre, and more carbonate-rich deposits in the Somali gyre, that are controlled by differences in the source water of the upwelling; (2) a more important terrigenous input in the southern gyre; and (3) a different location of the sites relative to the geographic distribution of the upwelling gyres and hydrologic fronts. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
机译:利用放射虫种群的物种组成和沉积物化学组成(碳酸盐,有机碳以及选定的主要和微量元素的含量和质量累积速率,尤其要注意Ba)的变化的组合来重建水体。索科特拉回旋区(索马里-索科特拉上升流系统,印度洋西北部)近250年上升流活动的变化。在索科特拉回旋区(北纬10度,MD 962073核心),上升流可以重建上升流强度的变化放射虫指数(URT),而温跃层/地面放射虫指数(TSRI)证明了在非上升间隔期间生产力的变化。尽管起源与海洋和陆源输入有关,但归一化为Al的有机碳,二氧化硅和微量元素(Ba,P,Cu和Zn)的地球化学记录受表面古生产力的变化控制。数据表明,在过去的250年中,上升气流强度持续增加,MIS 3内的活动最大,而在上升期之间的高产期发生在冰川期和冰川间期之间。位于索马里回旋区中北纬5度的索马里上升区的旋回显示出上升活动的时间及其地球化学印记的差异。提出了三种假设来解释这些差异:(1)浮游生物群落的变化,导致索科特拉回旋岩中富含二氧化硅的矿床和索马里回旋岩中富含碳酸盐的矿床,这些矿床受水源水的差异控制涌流的(2)南部回旋处的陆源输入更为重要; (3)相对于上升旋流和水文前沿的地理分布而言,地点的位置不同。 (c)2005 Elsevier B.V保留所有权利。



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