首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Wildfires in the Late Palaeozoic of Central Europe-an overview of the Rotliegend (Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian) of the Saar–Nahe Basin (SW-Germany)

Wildfires in the Late Palaeozoic of Central Europe-an overview of the Rotliegend (Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian) of the Saar–Nahe Basin (SW-Germany)


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Fossil charcoal from a number of different sedimentary settings (e.g., lakes, floodplains, tuffs/tuffites) is reported from the Rotliegend (Late Carboniferous–Early Permian) of the Saar–Nahe Basin in SW–Germany. It is one of the largest Carboniferous–Permian basins, which developed during the late Variscan in Europe. The sedimentary deposits encompass the Carboniferous–Permian boundary, thus enabling us to examine the development of fire regimes parallel to the reconstructed drop in atmospheric O_2 across this boundary. The majority of the identified macroscopical charcoal remains belongs to the conifers or other gymnosperms, maybe pointing to a more fire-prone vegetation in the drier hinterland, preferentially inhabited by these plants. Most wildfires, especially those which took place during the deposition of the Lower Rotliegend (~Late Carboniferous), have probably been ignited by lightning, whereas in the Upper Rotliegend (~Early Permian), an intense volcanism may have also acted as an important additional source of ignition. In the Lower Rotliegend, charcoals occur in nearly all sedimentary facies types, whereas in the Upper Rotliegend, charcoal has, so far, only been found in some volcanically influenced deposits. The absence of charcoal in most sediments from the Upper Rotliegend may be explained by: (i) low atmospheric oxygen levels, leading to reduced fire–frequencies; (ii) a generally sparse vegetation cover; (iii) the mechanical breakdown of macroscopic charcoal under the prevailing semiarid conditions.
机译:据报道,来自西南部德国萨尔-纳赫盆地的Rotliegend(晚期石炭纪-早二叠纪)的化石木炭来自许多不同的沉积环境(例如,湖泊,洪泛区,凝灰岩/凝灰岩)。它是最大的石炭纪-二叠纪盆地之一,在欧洲瓦里斯卡纳晚期才开发出来。沉积沉积物涵盖石炭纪-二叠纪边界,因此使我们能够研究与跨边界重新构造的大气O_2下降平行的火情发展。大部分已鉴定的宏观木炭残留物属于针叶树或其他裸子植物,可能指向较干燥的腹地更易生火的植被,这些植物优先居住于此。大多数野火,特别是在下罗特里根德(〜石炭纪晚期)沉积期间发生的野火,很可能是由闪电点燃的,而在上罗特里根德(〜早二叠纪),强烈的火山活动可能也起了重要作用。着火源。在下罗特列根德,几乎所有沉积相类型都存在木炭,而到目前为止,在上罗特列根德,仅在一些受火山影响的沉积物中发现了木炭。罗特里根河上游的大多数沉积物中都没有木炭,这可以解释为:(i)大气中的氧气含量低,导致着火频率降低; (ii)植被稀疏; (iii)在普遍的半干旱条件下宏观木炭的机械分解。



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