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Early Holocene glacial lakes and ice marginal retreat pattern in Labrador/Ungava, Canada


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The existence of glacial lakes Naskaupi, McLean, Minto, Melezes, and Wapussakatoo during the deglaciation of Labrador/Ungava, Canada, was recognized at the end of 1950s. However, glacial lakes have seldom been included in regional reconstructions to constrain the outline of successive ice margins during the glacial retreat in Labrador/Ungave. Reconstruction of the ice flow succession in Labrador/Ungave has often primarily focused on till lineation systems. These reconstructions often depict a late glacial ice dispersal center situated over central Labrador/Ungava. More, recent studies on glacial geomorphology including meltwater features, however, suggest that north-central Labrador/Ungava exhibited cold-based conditions at least during meltwater features, however, suggest that north-central Labrador/Ungava exhibited cold-based conditions at least during the latest deglaciation. Cold-based conditions inhibit basal sliding and formation of landforms, except for meltwater traces such as meltwater channels, glacial lake shorelines and deltas. This situation implies that meltwater traces are the main source of information when reconstructing the spatial retreat pattern during a cold-based deglaciation. Evidence presented in this study, such as glacial lake shorelines, fossil deltas, and spillway and drainage channels in north-central Labrador/Ungave, indicates the existence of numerous previously unmapped glacial lakes. The mapped glacial lake features are synthesized to a reconstruction of several glacial lake stages which, in turn, are used to constrain the late glacial ice margin retreat pattern over the inferred cold-based areas of north-central Labrador/Ungave. A total of 26 glacial lakes (65 substages)existed during the deglaciation of Labrador/Ungava. These lakes were impounded along the southern margin of the shrinking ice sheet. The required damming ice margins indicate that the last ice remnant of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Labrador/Ungava was situated over the southern Ungave Bay and the adjacent southern shore.
机译:在1950年代末,人们认识到加拿大拉布拉多/翁加瓦冰川融化期间,存在Naskaupi,McLean,Minto,Melezes和Wapussakatoo冰川湖。然而,冰川湖很少被包括在区域重建中,以限制拉布拉多/昂加夫冰川退缩期间连续的冰缘的轮廓。拉布拉多/ Ungave的冰流演替重建通常主要集中在耕种线系统上。这些重建通常描绘了位于拉布拉多/昂加瓦中部的晚期冰川冰扩散中心。然而,更多关于冰川地貌包括融水特征的最新研究表明,至少在融水特征期间,北中拉布拉多/翁加瓦至少表现出基于寒冷的条件,但是,至少在融雪特征期间,北中拉布拉多/翁加瓦表现出基于寒冷的条件。最新的冰消。除诸如融水通道,冰川湖岸线和三角洲等融水痕迹外,基于寒冷的条件会抑制基础滑动和地貌的形成。这种情况表明,在基于冷的冰消冰过程中重建空间退缩模式时,融化水痕迹是主要的信息来源。这项研究提供的证据,例如中北部拉布拉多/昂加夫的冰川湖海岸线,化石三角洲以及溢洪道和排水道,表明存在许多先前未映射的冰川湖。映射的冰川湖特征被合成为几个冰川湖阶段的重建,反过来又被用来限制推断的拉布拉多/昂加韦中北部寒冷地区的晚期冰川冰缘退缩模式。拉布拉多/昂加瓦河冰消融化过程中总共存在26个冰川湖泊(65个子阶段)。这些湖泊是沿着不断缩小的冰原的南缘蓄水的。所需的堰塞冰边界表明,拉布拉多/昂加瓦(Lagador / Ungava)Laurentide冰盖的最后一块残余冰块位于南部的Ungave海湾和邻近的南部海岸。



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