首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Middle Miocene latitudinal climatic gradient in Western Europe: Evidence from pollen records

Middle Miocene latitudinal climatic gradient in Western Europe: Evidence from pollen records


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Pollen analysis of sections spanning the Middle Miocene (Langhian and Serravallian) from southern Spain to Switzerland has been carried out with the aim of reconstructing the existing latitudinal environmental gradient. Floral assemblages indicate a tropical-subtropical to warm-temperate climate for the entire area during the Middle Miocene. The presence, in all pollen spectra, of taxa with high temperature requirements demonstrates that the latitudinal gradient in temperature was relatively low. The development of a diverse subarid flora in southern Spain including Neurada, Lygeum, Prosopis, Calligonum, Nitraria, Caesalpiniaceae, etc., points to a very dry climate with a marked seasonality. These features clearly indicate that a very warm and dry climate (i.e. a steppe environment) was already present during the Langhian in the northwestern Mediterranean area. On the other hand, milder conditions are progressively inferred towards the north as subdesertic elements gradually disappeared and taxa with higher water requirements increased. The latter dominates the pollen assemblages in the eastern central part of France and Switzerland, thus precipitations would have been evenly distributed throughout the year. We interpret this gradient from subdesertic vegetation in the south to humidity-adapted plant environments in the north as the result of a latitudinal gradient in precipitation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:为了重建现有的纬度环境梯度,已经对从西班牙南部到瑞士的中新世中期(Langhian和Serravallian)剖面进行了花粉分析。花卉组合表明,中新世中期整个区域为热带-亚热带至温带气候。在所有花粉光谱中,具有高温需求的分类单元的存在表明温度的纬度梯度相对较低。西班牙南部包括纳拉达(Nerarada),吕根(Lygeum),Prosopis,Calligonum,尼特拉(Nitraria),凯撒科(Caesalpiniaceae)等在内的多种亚半干旱植物群的发展,表明该季节气候非常干燥。这些特征清楚地表明在西北地中海地区的朗吉安期间已经存在非常温暖干燥的气候(即草原环境)。另一方面,随着亚沙漠元素的逐渐消失和水需求量更高的类群的增加,逐渐向北推断出较温和的条件。后者在法国和瑞士中东部的花粉组合中占主导地位,因此全年的降水量将平均分配。由于降水的纬度梯度,我们将这种梯度解释为从南部的荒漠植被到北部的湿度适应植物环境。 (C)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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