首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Glacial and postglacial sedimentation in the Fryxell Basin, Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Glacial and postglacial sedimentation in the Fryxell Basin, Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica


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A 9.14 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and investigated for its chronology and sedimentological, mineralogical, and biogeochemical changes. The basal part of the sequence is dominated by coarse clastic matter, i.e., mainly sand. The sediment composition suggests that a lake existed in Fryxell basin during the Middle Weichselian by ca. 48,000 cal. year BP. After a short period of lake-level lowstand ca. 43,000 cal. year BP, lower Taylor Valley became occupied by the proglacial Lake Washburn, which was at least partly supplied by meltwater and sediments from the Ross Ice Sheet that was advanced to the mouth of Taylor Valley. Evaporation of Lake Washburn to lower levels started during the Last Glacial Maximum at ca. 22,000 cal. year BP, long before the Ross Ice Sheet retreated significantly. Lake-level lowering was discontinuous with a series of high and low stands. From ca. 4000 cal. year BP environmental conditions were similar to those of today and lower Fryxell basin was occupied by a small lake. This lake evaporated to a saline or hypersaline pond between ca. 2500 and 1000 cal. year BP and refilled subsequently. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:从南极洲维多利亚州南部维多利亚州泰勒河谷弗莱克塞尔湖恢复了一条9.14 m长的沉积物序列,并对其年代,沉积学,矿物学和生物地球化学变化进行了调查。该序列的基础部分主要是粗碎屑物质,即主要是沙子。沉积物组成表明,在魏格塞勒中期中叶,大约在弗里克塞尔盆地存在一个湖泊。 48,000卡路里年BP。经过短暂的湖面低水位43,000卡路里在BP年,泰勒河谷下游被冰河湖占领,该湖至少部分由来自罗斯冰原的熔体水和沉积物供应,这些沉积物一直流向泰勒河谷。沃什伯恩湖的蒸发降至较低水平,这是在最后一次冰川最大爆发期间,大约在。 22,000卡路里当年BP,远远早于罗斯冰原退缩之前。湖水位下降是不连续的,有一系列的高低位。从大约4000卡路里一年的BP环境条件与今天相似,下弗莱克塞尔盆地被一个小湖所占据。这个湖蒸发到大约之间的盐水或高盐湖。 2500和1000卡路里年BP,随后重新注满。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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