首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >delta C-13 and delta O-18 values of Triassic brachiopods and carbonate rocks as proxies for coeval seawater and palaeotemperature

delta C-13 and delta O-18 values of Triassic brachiopods and carbonate rocks as proxies for coeval seawater and palaeotemperature


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A dataset of 160 isotope delta(13)C and delta(18)O values from Anisian, Ladinian, Carman and Rhaetian articulate brachiopod shells, complemented by 158 carbon and oxygen isotope values from whole rock carbonates, define the first continuous stable isotope baseline trends for the Triassic seawater. The carbon isotope data suggest the existence of several short-term high amplitude excursions in the Early Triassic, followed by a predominance of values around 0.5 +/- 1 parts per thousand during the Middle Triassic, a rise to similar to 3.5 parts per thousand during the Carman, plateau at this level during the Late Carman to Early Norian, and a 1.5 parts per thousand decline in the Middle Norian to values around 2 parts per thousand during the Late Norian-Rhaetian interval. The causation scenarios for these rapid oscillations are at present equivocal, but may in part reflect a biological instability of the carbon cycle following the recovery from the end-Permian extinction event and/or an input of "mantle'-derived CO2 from enhanced volcanic activity.The delta(18)O values from well-preserved brachiopods from the Tethyan realm range front -3.9 to -0.6 parts per thousand V-PDB. These values require open marine Triassic seawater delta(18)O values close to 0 parts per thousand V-SMOW for the calculat
机译:来自Anisian,Ladinian,Carman和Rhaetian铰接腕足动物壳的160个同位素delta(13)C和delta(18)O值的数据集,再加上整个碳酸盐碳酸盐中的158个碳和氧同位素值,定义了第一个连续的稳定同位素基线趋势三叠纪海水。碳同位素数据表明,在三叠纪早期存在几次短期高振幅偏移,随后在中三叠纪占主导地位的数值约为每千分之0.5 +/- 1,而在三叠纪时期则上升至每千分之3.5卡曼(Carman),在卡曼晚期至Norian早期处于这一水平的高原,而在Norian-Rhaetian晚期,中Norian下降了千分之1.5,至千分之二。目前,这些快速振荡的原因情景尚不明确,但可能部分反映了从二叠纪末期灭绝事件中恢复和/或从增强的火山活动中输入了“地幔”的二氧化碳之后,碳循环的生物不稳定。 。来自特提斯地区保存完好的腕足类动物的delta(18)O值范围在-3.9至-0.6千分之几的V-PDB范围内,这些值要求开放的海洋三叠纪海水delta(18)O值接近千分之零V-SMOW for calculat



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