首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >The Middle Caradoc Facies and Faunal Turnover in the Late Ordovician Baltoscandian palaeobasin

The Middle Caradoc Facies and Faunal Turnover in the Late Ordovician Baltoscandian palaeobasin


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A Late Ordovician episode of remarkable biotic, climatic, sea level and facies changes, named here as the Middle Caradoc Facies and Faunal Turnover, took place in the Baltoscandian area. This paper presents an integrated overview of these changes in the critical middle Caradoc interval. Data are given on carbonate rock composition, distribution and grain-size composition of the siliciclastic material and the carbon isotopic composition of whole-rock carbonates in cores of Estonia and Sweden. The Middle Caradoc Facies and Faunal Turnover can be described as a succession of related environmental changes. The turnover began with a positive excursion in carbonate 13C and continued with sea level changes that led to a sedimentary hiatus on the shelf and a change from carbonate-dominated to siliciclastic-dominated sedimentation in the basin. The turnover ended with an extinction event and associated microfaunal crisis. The middle Caradoc turnover in Baltoscandia is comparable to a similar succession of changes in North America. The turnover affected two palaeocontinents, and reflects a widespread, possibly global environmental change. Onset of glaciation on Gondwana and/or increased orogenic activity might have initiated the changes in ocean circulation and led to the initial carbon isotope excursion. The following sea level rise and faunal changes affected several different continents.
机译:奥陶纪晚期生物,气候,海平面和相变发生了显着变化,在这里被称为巴尔卡斯堪的亚地区中卡拉多克相和法纳尔周转。本文对关键的中间Caradoc区间的这些变化进行了综合概述。给出了有关爱沙尼亚和瑞典岩心中硅碳碎屑物质的碳酸盐岩石组成,分布和粒度组成以及全岩石碳酸盐碳同位素组成的数据。中卡拉多克相和动物体周转率可以描述为一系列相关的环境变化。周转始于碳酸盐岩13C的正偏移,接着是海平面变化,导致架子上的沉积裂隙,以及盆地中碳酸盐岩为主的沉积物变为硅质碎屑为主的沉积物。营业额以灭绝事件和相关的小动物危机结束。 Baltoscandia的Caradoc中间营业额与北美类似的连续变化相当。营业额影响了两个古大陆,反映了广泛的,可能是全球性的环境变化。冈瓦纳冰川开始和/或造山活动增加可能已经开始了海洋环流的变化,并导致了最初的碳同位素漂移。随后的海平面上升和动物区系变化影响了几个不同的大陆。



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