首页> 外文期刊>Plant Species Biology >Seed longevity and fire: post-germination responses of Rumex acetosella L. in northwest Patagonian grasslands (Argentina).

Seed longevity and fire: post-germination responses of Rumex acetosella L. in northwest Patagonian grasslands (Argentina).

机译:种子寿命和着火:西北巴塔哥尼亚草原(阿根廷)的小叶酸模(Rumex acetosella L.)发芽后的反应。

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The cosmopolitan herb Rumex acetosella forms persistent soil seed banks and increases in cover after fire. We investigated how the interaction between seed age and fire affects seedling growth by exposing different-aged seeds to heat, smoke, charcoal, and ash treatments. We measured growth of germinated seedlings that were transplanted and allowed to grow for 65 days in a greenhouse. Seedlings from seeds >8 years old did not reach an appropriate radicle length for transplantation. Seedling growth decreased with increasing temperature of the heat treatment. As seed age increased, growth decreased with smoke and charcoal, and increased with ash treatment. Height was negatively correlated with seed age. Our results suggest that fire and seed age could affect demographic responses of R. acetosella seedling populations. Post-fire recruitment could be partially favored by the positive effect of nutrient input from ash on seedling growth. High fire intensities, however, would be detrimental to seedling vigor.
机译:大都会草本植物Rumex acetosella形成持久的土壤种子库,着火后覆盖率增加。我们通过将不同年龄的种子暴露于热,烟,木炭和灰分处理中,研究了种子年龄与火之间的相互作用如何影响幼苗的生长。我们测量了发芽幼苗的生长情况,这些幼苗已移植并在温室中生长65天。大于8岁的种子的幼苗未达到适合移植的胚根长度。幼苗生长随着热处理温度的升高而降低。随着种子年龄的增加,烟和木炭的生长下降,而灰分处理的则增长。身高与种子年龄呈负相关。我们的研究结果表明,着火和种子年龄可能会影响醋酸醋杆菌幼苗种群的人口统计学响应。灰分养分输入对幼苗生长的积极影响可能会部分支持火后募集。然而,高火势将不利于幼苗活力。



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