首页> 外文期刊>Plant physiology >Phototropins but not cryptochromes mediate the blue light-specific promotion of stomatal conductance, while both enhance photosynthesis and transpiration under full sunlight

Phototropins but not cryptochromes mediate the blue light-specific promotion of stomatal conductance, while both enhance photosynthesis and transpiration under full sunlight


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Leaf epidermal peels of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking either phototropins 1 and 2 (phot1 and phot2) or cryptochromes 1 and 2 (cry1 and cry2) exposed to a background of red light show severely impaired stomatal opening responses to blue light. Since phot and cry are UV-A/blue light photoreceptors, they may be involved in the perception of the blue light-specific signal that induces the aperture of the stomatal pores. In leaf epidermal peels, the blue light-specific effect saturates at low irradiances; therefore, it is considered to operate mainly under the low irradiance of dawn, dusk, or deep canopies. Conversely, we show that both phot1 phot2 and cry1 cry2 have reduced stomatal conductance, transpiration, and photosynthesis, particularly under the high irradiance of full sunlight at midday. These mutants show compromised responses of stomatal conductance to irradiance. However, the effects of phot and cry on photosynthesis were largely nonstomatic. While the stomatal conductance phenotype of phot1 phot2 was blue light specific, cry1 cry2 showed reduced stomatal conductance not only in response to blue light, but also in response to red light. The levels of abscisic acid were elevated in cry1 cry2. We conclude that considering their effects at high irradiances cry and phot are critical for the control of transpiration and photosynthesis rates in the field. The effects of cry on stomatal conductance are largely indirect and involve the control of abscisic acid levels.
机译:缺乏暴露于红光背景下的光蛋白1和2(phot1和phot2)或隐色染料1和2(cry1和cry2)的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)突变体的叶表皮剥离显示出严重削弱了对蓝光的气孔打开反应。由于照片和哭泣是UV-A /蓝光感光器,因此它们可能参与感知特定蓝光的信号,该信号会诱导气孔孔的开口。在叶片表皮果皮中,在低辐照度下蓝光特有的效果会饱和。因此,它被认为主要在黎明,黄昏或深层遮盖物的低照度下工作。相反,我们显示phot1 phot2和cry1 cry2都有降低的气孔导度,蒸腾作用和光合作用,特别是在中午充满阳光的情况下。这些突变体显示出气孔导度对辐照度的反应减弱。然而,光合作用和哭泣对光合作用的影响在很大程度上是非气孔的。虽然phot1 phot2的气孔电导表型是蓝光特有的,但cry1 cry2不仅显示出响应蓝光,还显示出响应红光,气孔导度降低。在cry1 cry2中脱落酸的水平升高。我们得出的结论是,考虑到它们在高辐照下的影响,哭声和光热对于控制田间的蒸腾作用和光合作用速率至关重要。哭泣对气孔导度的影响在很大程度上是间接的,涉及脱落酸水平的控制。



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