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The light-response BTB1 and BTB2 proteins assemble nuclear ubiquitin ligases that modify phytochrome B and D signaling in Arabidopsis


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Members of the Bric-a-Brac/Tramtrack/Broad Complex (BTB) family direct the selective ubiquitylation of proteins following their assembly into Cullin3-based ubiquitin ligases. Here, we describe a subfamily of nucleus-localized BTB proteins encoded by the LIGHT-RESPONSE BTB1 (LRB1) and LRB2 loci in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) that strongly influences photomorphogenesis. Whereas single lrb1 and lrb2 mutants are relatively normal phenotypically, double mutants are markedly hypersensitive to red light, but not to far-red or blue light, and are compromised in multiple photomorphogenic processes, including seed germination, cotyledon opening and expansion, chlorophyll accumulation, shade avoidance, and flowering time. This red light hypersensitivity can be overcome by eliminating phytochrome B (phyB) and phyD, indicating that LRB1/2 act downstream of these two photoreceptor isoforms. Levels of phyB/D proteins but not their messenger RNAs are abnormally high in light-grown lrb1 lrb2 plants, implying that their light-dependent turnover is substantially dampened. Whereas other red light-hypersensitive mutants accumulate phyA protein similar to or higher than the wild type in light, the lrb1 lrb2 mutants accumulate less, suggesting that LRB1/2 also positively regulate phyA levels in a phyB/D-dependent manner. Together, these data show that the BTB ubiquitin ligases assembled with LRB1/2 function redundantly as negative regulators of photomorphogenesis, possibly by influencing the turnover of phyB/D.
机译:Bric-a-Brac / Tramtrack / Broad复合体(BTB)家族的成员在组装成基于Cullin3的泛素连接酶后指导蛋白质的选择性泛素化。在这里,我们描述了由拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中的光响应BTB1(LRB1)和LRB2基因座编码的核定位BTB蛋白的一个亚家族。单个lrb1和lrb2突变体在表型上相对正常,而双突变体对红光显着敏感,但对远红或蓝光不敏感,并且在多个光形态发生过程中受到损害,包括种子萌发,子叶打开和扩展,叶绿素积累,避光和开花时间。可以通过消除植物色素B(phyB)和phyD来克服这种红光超敏反应,这表明LRB1 / 2在这两种感光受体亚型的下游起作用。在生长有光的lrb1 lrb2植物中,phyB / D蛋白的水平而非信使RNA的水平异常高,这意味着它们的光依赖性周转量大大降低。其他的对光过敏的红色突变体在光下积累的phyA蛋白与野生型相似或更高,而lrb1 lrb2突变体的积累较少,这表明LRB1 / 2也以phyB / D依赖性的方式正向调节phyA的水平。总之,这些数据表明,与LRB1 / 2组装的BTB泛素连接酶多余地充当了光形态发生的负调节剂,可能是通过影响phyB / D的更新来实现的。



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