首页> 外文期刊>Plant Ecology >Do animal-plant interactions influence the spatial distribution of Aristotelia chilensis shrubs in temperate forests of southern South America?

Do animal-plant interactions influence the spatial distribution of Aristotelia chilensis shrubs in temperate forests of southern South America?


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Seed dispersal constrains the environmental heterogeneity to which a plant species is exposed through its life. Behavior of seed dispersers and seed predators could be influenced by food availability and vegetation cover. Consequently, recruitment probabilities are heterogeneous in space and time, and "regeneration windows" may appear. Aristotelia chilensis is the most abundant fleshy-fruited shrub in the temperate forest of southern South America (TFSA). TFSA exhibits an environmental patchiness that could influence fruit abundance and animal behavior. Our objective was to determine the regeneration windows of A. chilensis, and to detect how forest structure and animal behavior could affect the spatial distribution of this species. We characterized forest structure in two plots that included mature forest, young forest, and open areas. We assessed the spatio-temporal distribution of A. chilensis fruits and studied fruit removal by animals. Also, we experimentally evaluated germination and post-dispersal seed predation. We developed a conceptual model to relate A. chilensis recruitment with forest successional stages. The fruiting individuals of this shrub were mostly located in fire-opened areas or forest gaps, and the seed rain generated by the migratory bird Elaenia albiceps was denser in these areas. In contrast, seed predation by rodents was higher in closed, young forest areas. A. chilensis recruitment follows a nucleation dynamic around fruiting females. Concerning forest succession, A. chilensis recruitment was higher near re-sprouting females in open areas, and lowest in young forests, where fruiting process was hindered by light constraints. When forests mature, new nucleation processes start around females surviving in gaps. We conclude that areas opened by disturbances provide a regeneration window for A. chilensis shrubs.
机译:种子的扩散限制了植物物种一生所暴露于的环境异质性。种子分散剂和种子捕食者的行为可能受到粮食供应和植被覆盖的影响。因此,招聘概率在空间和时间上是异质的,并且可能出现“再生窗口”。智利马兜铃亚种是南美洲南部温带森林(TFSA)中含量最多的果肉灌木。 TFSA表现出可能影响水果丰度和动物行为的环境斑块。我们的目标是确定奇异A的再生窗口,并检测森林结构和动物行为如何影响该物种的空间分布。我们在两个样地中描述了森林结构,包括成熟森林,幼林和开阔地带。我们评估了A. chilensis水果的时空分布,并研究了动物去除水果的过程。另外,我们通过实验评估了发芽和种子后捕食。我们开发了一个概念模型,以将A. chilensis募集与森林演替阶段联系起来。这种灌木的结果个体大多位于火势开放的地区或森林间隙,而候鸟Elaenia albiceps产生的种子雨在这些地区较浓。相反,在封闭的年轻森林地区,啮齿动物的种子捕食能力更高。 A. chilensis的募集跟随着结果实雌性周围的成核动态。关于森林演替,在空旷地区重发芽的雌性附近,A。chilensis的招聘较高,而在幼树森林中,光限制了其结实过程,其招聘最低。当森林成熟时,新的成核过程围绕着在间隙中幸存的雌性开始。我们得出的结论是,扰动打开的区域为A. chilensis灌木提供了再生窗口。



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