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Interactions between mediterranean shrub species eight years after experimental fire


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This paper is part of a wider study in which different combinations of species were assayed for the revegetation of experimentally burnt heathlands. In this particular case, we determined whether there was any interaction between the dominant species, Erica australis, which recovered by vegetative resprouting, and the only successful woody species sown, Cytisus sp., eight years after fire and seven years after sowing. A detailed study was carried out on each square metre of cover and height of both species in three 160 m(2) plots. Total cover exceeded 100% in all subplots sown with Cytisus, whereas it did not reach 65% in the others, when both species coexist together. There was an inverse correlation between the covers of both species and a positive correlation between the height of Erica australis and the cover and the height of Cytisus. There was no significant difference in Erica cover in plots sown with Cytisus and plots not sown. There could be some competition for light, but both species are capable of coexisting with high canopy overlap, for at least some time. Cytisus is expanding from the seeded subplots, suggesting that the dense cover of Erica australis does not impede the establishment of Cytisus.
机译:本文是一项更广泛研究的一部分,在该研究中,对不同种类的物种组合进行了实验燃烧荒地的植被恢复。在这种特殊情况下,我们确定了在火烧八年后和播种七年后,通过营养重生恢复的优势种埃里卡·奥斯塔利斯与唯一成功播种的木本物种Cytisus sp之间是否存在相互作用。在三个160 m(2)的地块上,每个物种的覆盖面积和高度均进行了详细的研究。当两个物种共存时,与Cytisus一起播种的所有子图的总覆盖率均超过100%,而在其他子图中,覆盖率未达到65%。两种物种的覆盖率之间呈负相关,而南方埃里卡(Erica australis)的高度与覆盖层和Cytisus的高度呈正相关。用Cytisus播种的地块和未播种的地块的Erica覆盖率没有显着差异。可能会有一些争夺光的竞争,但是这两种物种都能够与高冠层重叠并存至少一段时间。 Cytisus正在从种子亚标本中扩展,这表明Erica australis的致密覆盖并不妨碍Cytisus的建立。



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