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Field evaluation of the efficacy of SP2700 for control of seedling diseases in rice, 2014


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An experiment was established in a field of League-type soil (sand 3.2%, silt 32.4%, clay 64.4%, organic matter 3.8 to 4.8%, and pH 5.5) at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Beaumont, TX. The field was naturally infested with the seedling disease pathogens after many years of rice production. Plots consisted of seven 16-ft rows, and spaced 7 in. between rows. Three treatments (see table) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Seeds were treatedwith 1 or 3% (v/v) of SP2700 (SePRO Corporation, Carmel, IN) prior to planting. Rice was drill seeded at 80 lb/A on 28 Apr. On 21 and 29 May, plots were sprayed with 9 or 18 fl oz/A of SP2700 using a CO2 pressurized sprayer equipped with a boom of threeTeeJet 8002 nozzles spaced 16 in. apart that delivered 20 gal/A at 30 psi. Plots received 65 lb /A of urea (46-0-0, N-P-K) on 14 May and 391 lb/A of urea prior to permanent flood on 10 Jun. Weed control as well as irrigation followed local recommendations. On 30 May, stand, height and vigor of seedlings were determined. Stand was rated as the number of seedlings in the central row of plot and converted to stand per row foot. Height of three seedlings randomly selected from each plot was measured. Vigorwas rated on a scale of 0 to 100 where 0 represents dead plants or poorest in growth and 100 represent excellent vigor. On 2 Jun, ten randomly-selected plants were collected from each plot and they roots were washed in water and examined individually for the symptoms of seedling diseases. The percentage of plants showing the symptoms on the roots was assessed as disease incidence. The percentage of root area showing the symptoms was also assessed as disease severity. Rice was harvested using a plot combine on 8 Sep. Grain yield and moisture were determined, and rice yields were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Data was subject to ANOVA using SAS version 9.4. Means were separated using Fisher's protected LSD test.
机译:在德克萨斯州博蒙特市的德克萨斯A&M农业生命研究和推广中心的盟军型土壤(砂土3.2%,淤泥32.4%,粘土64.4%,有机物3.8至4.8%和pH 5.5)中建立了一个实验。水稻生产多年后,该田自然受到种苗病原体的侵害。地块包括七个16英尺的行,行之间的间隔为7英寸。三种治疗方法(见表)以随机完整区组设计排列,重复四次。播种前,用1%或3%(v / v)的SP2700(SePRO Corporation,Carmel,IN)处理种子。 4月28日以80 lb / A的速度播种水稻。5月21日和29日,使用配备9个或18 fl oz / A的SP2700的田地,用装有二氧化碳的喷雾器(配备三个TeeJet 8002喷嘴,间距为16 in。)对稻田进行喷雾。在30 psi下提供20 gal / A的电流。在5月14日的试验区接受65磅/年的尿素(46-0-0,N-P-K),在6月10日发生永久性洪水之前,接受391磅/年的尿素。除草和灌溉遵循当地的建议。 5月30日,确定苗木的立场,高度和活力。林分被定为样地中央行的幼苗数量,并转换为每行英尺的林分。测量从每个样地随机选择的三棵幼苗的高度。活力等级为0到100,其中0代表死亡植物或生长最差的植物,而100代表极好的生命力。 6月2日,从每个样地中收集了十种随机选择的植物,并将它们的根用水冲洗并单独检查幼苗病害的症状。将在根部上表现出症状的植物的百分比评估为疾病发生率。表现出症状的根部面积百分比也被评估为疾病严重程度。在9月8日使用情节联合收割机收割水稻。确定了谷物的产量和水分,并将水稻的产量调整为12%的水分含量。数据使用SAS版本9.4进行ANOVA检验。使用Fisher保护的LSD检验分离平均值。



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