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Field evaluation of seed treatments on winter wheat stand and yield, 2006


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The effects of three seed treatments were evaluated on stand and yield of winter wheat ‘Brundage 96’ in a grower’s field near Cavendish, Idaho. Vincit FS and Vincit C were obtained from Cheminova (Lemvig, Denmark), and Dividend Extreme is a Syngenta product (Wilmington, DE). All were tested to determine effect on dwarf bunt (Tilletia controversa).All treatments were applied to untreated seed before planting. The experiment was seeded on 14 Oct 2005. Plots had 5 paired rows with 3-in. spacing and 10 in. from center to center of pairs and 20 ft long. The seeding rate was 24 seeds/ft2. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 6 replicates. Plant height data (in.) were recorded as average height from ground to top of heads not counting awns. The experiment was harvested on 20 Aug 2006. Yield data (bu/A) and test weight (lb/bu) were recorded. Data were analyzed using ANOVA.
机译:在爱达荷州卡文迪什(Cavendish)附近一个种植者的田地上,评估了三种种子处理对冬小麦'Brundage 96'产量和单产的影响。 Vincit FS和Vincit C购自Cheminova(丹麦莱姆维格),而Dividend Extreme是先正达产品(特拉华州威尔明顿)。测试所有植物以确定对矮矮bun(Tilletia controversa)的影响。所有处理均在播种前施用于未经处理的种子。该实验于2005年10月14日播种。地块有3对3行的5对配对。线对中心之间的间距为10英寸,长20英尺。播种率为24种子/ ft2。实验设计是具有6个重复的随机完整块。植株高度数据(英寸)记录为从地面到头顶的平均高度,不计算芒。该实验于2006年8月20日收获。记录了产量数据(bu / A)和测试重量(lb / bu)。使用ANOVA分析数据。



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