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Disease control by experimental and registered fungicides and mixtures on Golden Delicious, Idared, and York Imperial apples, 2014

机译:2014年在Golden Delicious,Idared和York Imperial苹果上通过实验和注册的杀菌剂和混合物进行疾病控制

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Fourteen experimental or registered combination treatment schedules were compared on three-tree sets of 14-yr-old trees. The test was conducted in a randomized block design with four replicates separated by non-treated border rows. Test rows had beennon-treated border rows in 2013, which allowed mildew inoculum pressure to stabilize on 2014 test trees. Fungicide treatments were applied to both sides of the tree on each indicated application date with a Swanson Model DA-400 airblast sprayer at 100 gal/A as follows: 13 Apr (all treatments, TC, tight cluster, Golden Delicious; York !4 "-green; Idared TC-open cluster); 24 Apr (Bl, early bloom, all except #7); 28 Apr (Trt 7 only); 4 May (all except #7; PF, petal fall); 9 May (Trt 7 only); 18 May (1C, 1st cover; all except #7); 23 May (Trt 7 only); 31 May (2C, 2nd cover; all except #7); 7 Jun (Trt 7 only); 14 Jun (3C, 3rd cover; all except #7); 20 Jun (Trt 7 only); 4C-8C, 4th-8th covers, all treatments: 28 Jun, 12 Jul, 25 Jul, 11 Aug, 29 Aug. Inoculum placed over each Golden Delicious test tree included cedar galls, wild blackberry canes with the sooty blotch and flyspeck fungi, and bitter rot mummies 20 May. Other diseases developed from inoculum naturally present in the test area, including cedar-apple rust inoculum from red cedars in the vicinity. Maintenance sprays, applied to the entire test block included Admire Pro, Altacor 35WG, Assail 30SG, Asana XL, BioCover MLT, Calypso 4F, Delegate 25WG, Diazinon 50W, Imidan 70WSB, Lannate LV, and Provado1.6F.. Ethephon 3 pt + Carbaryl 3 pt/A were applied to Golden Delicious trees as a thinning application 23 May. Foliar data are from counts of ten shoots per replicate tree: 18 Jun (York), 16 Jul (Idared), and 25 Jul (Golden Delicious). Fruit data represent postharvest counts of 25 fruit per replicate tree sampled: 17 Sep (Idared), 30 Sep (Golden Delicious) or 6 Oct (York). Idared fruit were held in cold storage 33 days, and Golden Delicious 17 days prior to start of warm temperature incubation; York fruit were incubated at warm temperatures immediately after harvest. Percentage data were converted by the square root arcsin transformation for statistical analysis with SAS.
机译:在三棵14岁的树上比较了14种实验或注册的组合处理方案。该测试以随机区组设计进行,其中四个重复项由未处理的边框行隔开。测试行在2013年为未经处理的边界行,这使2014年测试树上的霉菌接种压力得以稳定。在每个指定的施用日期,使用Swanson Model DA-400喷气式喷雾器以100 gal / A的剂量对树的两侧进行杀菌处理,具体如下:4月13日(所有处理,TC,紧密团簇,Golden Delicious; York!4“ -绿色; Idared TC-开放星团); 4月24日(Bl,早盛,除7号外所有); 4月28日(仅Trt 7); 5月4日(除7号外所有; PF,花瓣落下); 5月9日(Trt仅7月); 5月18日(1C,第一个封面;#7以外的所有内容); 5月23日(仅Trt 7的所有内容); 5月31日(2C,2nd封面;除#7以外的所有内容); 6月7日(仅限Trt 7); 6月14日(3C,第3个覆盖层;所有#7除外); 6月20日(仅限trt 7); 4C-8C,第4-8个覆盖层,所有处理方式:6月28日,7月12日,7月25日,8月11日,8月29日。每棵Golden Delicious测试树都包括雪松胆,带黑斑病和蝇斑真菌的野生黑莓手杖,以及腐烂的木乃伊。5月20日,测试区自然存在的接种物导致了其他疾病的发展,包括雪松中红雪松的雪松苹果锈菌接种物。保养喷雾,适用于整车重新测试块包括Admire Pro,Altacor 35WG,Assail 30SG,Asana XL,BioCover MLT,Calypso 4F,Delegate 25WG,Diazinon 50W,Imidan 70WSB,Lannate LV和Provado1.6F。Ethephon3 pt + Carbaryl 3 pt / A是于5月23日作为稀疏应用应用于Golden Delicious树。叶面数据来自每棵复制树的10个芽的计数:6月18日(约克),7月16日(伊达雷德)和7月25日(黄金美味)。水果数据代表每个重复采集的树上25颗水果的收获后计数:9月17日(Idared),9月30日(金冠)或10月6日(约克)。在开始温育之前,将陈放过的水果冷藏33天,将Golden Delicious冷藏17天。收获后立即将约克果实在温暖的温度下孵育。百分比数据通过平方根反正弦转换进行转换,以便使用SAS进行统计分析。



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