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Evaluation of Fontelis for peanut disease control in southwest Alabama 2013


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Peanut cultivar 'Georgia 06G' was planted at the Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center near Fairhope, AL on 17 May at a rate of five seed per ft of row in a field that had previously been cropped to peanut. Recommendations of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System for fertility and weed control were followed. The soil type was a Malbis fine sandy loam (OM <1%). Plots, which consisted of four 30-ft rows on 38 in. centers, were arranged in a randomized complete block with six replications. Plots were not irrigated. Foliar fungicides were applied at 14-day intervals as a full canopy spray using a four-row ATV mounted CO2 sprayer with three TX8 nozzles per row calibrated to deliver 15 gal/A. Late leaf spot and rust were visually rated on 24 Sep using the Florida leaf spot scoring system (1 = no disease; 2 = very few lesions in upper canopy; 3 = few lesions in lower and upper canopy; 4 = some lesions with slight defoliation; 5 = lesions noticeable in upper canopy with some defoliation; 6 = lesionsnumerous with significant defoliation; 7 = lesions numerous with heavy defoliation; 8 = very numerous lesions on few remaining leaves with heavy defoliation; 9 = very few remaining leaves covered with lesions; 10 = completely dead plants) and the ICRISATrust rating scale (1 = no disease, 9 = plants severely affected, 80-100% leaves withering). Stem rot incidence was estimated on 9 Oct immediately after plot inversion by determining the number of disease loci (< 1 ft per locus) exhibiting symptoms of the disease or signs of the pathogen. Plots were harvested on 16 Oct and yields were reported at 8.15% moisture.
机译:花生品种“乔治亚06G”于5月17日在阿拉巴马州Fairhope附近的墨西哥湾沿岸研究和推广中心种植,以前每季播种的花生田中,每英尺行中有五粒种子。遵循了阿拉巴马州合作推广系统的建议,以促进生育和控制杂草。土壤类型为Malbis细砂壤土(OM <1%)。地块由38英寸中心的四个30英尺的行组成,被安排在一个随机的完整块中,重复六次。地块未灌溉。使用四排ATV固定式CO2喷雾器,每14天间隔以全天棚喷雾剂的形式施用叶面杀菌剂,每行三个TX8喷嘴经校准可提供15 gal / A。 9月24日使用佛罗里达州的叶斑评分系统对晚期叶斑和锈病进行了目视评估(1 =无病; 2 =上冠层的病斑很少; 3 =上冠层和下冠层的病斑很少; 4 =部分病斑并有轻微脱叶; 5 =上层冠层中明显可见的病斑,有一定的落叶; 6 =大量病斑,有明显的落叶; 7 =大量病灶,有严重的落叶; 8 =剩下的很少叶片上有很多病灶,而严重的有落叶; 9 =剩下的叶片很少有病灶覆盖; 10 =完全死亡的植物)和ICRISATrust等级量表(1 =无病,9 =受严重影响的植物,80-100%的叶子枯萎)。通过确定出现疾病症状或病原体迹象的疾病位点数(每个位点<1 ft),可以立即在地块倒置后10月9日估计茎腐病的发生率。地块于10月16日收获,据报道产量为8.15%水分。



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