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Evaluation of fungicide programs for control of grapevine powdery mildew, 2009.


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The experiment was conducted in a vineyard of vertically-shoot-positioned, 4-yr-old grapevines located at Geneva, NY. Treatments were applied to four-vine plots arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Sprays were appliedwith a hooded-boom sprayer at 300 psi (2069 kPa) in a volume of 50 gpa (467 l/ha) prebloom (sprays #1, 2) and 100 gpa (935 l/ha) subsequently. In addition to the variable treatment regimes, all plots received the following materials (rate/A) to controldowny mildew, black rot and Japanese beetle: Penncozeb 75DF (4.0 lb) on 29 May, 10 and 22 Jun; Penncozeb 75DF (4.0 lb), Ridomil Gold EC (8.0 fl oz) and Danitol 2.4 EC (16.0 fl oz/A) on 6 Jul; Ridomil Gold EC (8.0 fl oz/A) and Danitol 2.4 EC (16.0 fl oz/A) on 20 Jul; Phostrol (4.0 pt/A) and Danitol 2.4 EC (16.0 fl oz) on 3 Aug; and Ridomil Gold EC (8.0 fl oz) on 17 Aug. Disease assessments were made on 25 clusters from the center of each plot on 31 Aug and on 25 leaves from the center of each plot on 17Sep. Disease incidence was calculated as the percentage of leaves or clusters showing any infection; disease severity (area symptomatic) was rated using the Barratt-Horsfall scale and converted to percentage values using Elanco conversion tables. Rainfall amounts in the Geneva area were 3.55, 5.09, 3.48, 3.15 and 1.61 inches for May, Jun, Jul, Aug and Sep respectively.
机译:该实验是在位于纽约州日内瓦的垂直拍摄定位的4岁葡萄树的葡萄园中进行的。将处理应用于以四次重复的随机完整块设计排列的四藤地块。用头罩式喷雾器在300 psi(2069 kPa)的压力下以50 gpa(467 l / ha)的预喷水量喷涂#1、2和100 gpa(935 l / ha)。除可变的处理方式外,所有地块均获得以下材料(比率/ A)以控制霉菌,黑腐病和日本甲虫:5月29日,6月10日和22日的Penncozeb 7​​5DF(4.0磅); 7月6日,Penncozeb 7​​5DF(4.0磅),Ridomil Gold EC(8.0盎司)和Danitol 2.4 EC(16.0盎司/ A); 7月20日,Ridomil Gold EC(8.0盎司/年)和Danitol 2.4 EC(16.0盎司/年); 8月3日,Phostrol(4.0 pt / A)和Danitol 2.4 EC(16.0 fl oz);和Ridomil Gold EC(8.0盎司),分别于8月31日和8月31日从每个样地中心的25个簇和每个样地中心的25个叶子上进行了疾病评估。疾病发生率计算为显示出任何感染的叶子或簇的百分比;使用Barratt-Horsfall量表对疾病的严重程度(有症状的区域)进行评分,并使用Elanco转换表将其转换为百分比值。 5月,6月,7月,8月和9月,日内瓦地区的降雨量分别为3.55、5.09、3.48、3.15和1.61英寸。



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