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Evaluating fungicides for managing tan spot on hard red spring wheat in Minnesota, 2008.


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On 1 May, hard red spring wheat was planted with a Hege plot drill at 1.35 million live seed/A into Wheatville loam soil having soybean residue present. The trial was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Each plot was 5ft x 25 ft with rows 6 in. apart. An application of Axial (0.66 pt/A) and Bronate Advanced (1.0 pt/A) was made 17 Jun to manage weeds. On 17 Jun (tillering growth stage, F2) or 26 Jun (flag leaf emergence, F9) fungicide treatments were applied using a backpack-type sprayer with XR Teejet flat fan 8002VS nozzles spaced 20 in. apart on a 5-ft boom at 20 gpa and 40 psi. On 25 Jul, whole plots were rated for leaf disease prevalence using a scale from 0 to 5 where 0 = no disease and 5 = 91-100% leaves diseased. On 28 Jul, 50 wheat spikes/plot were rated for Fusarium head blight (FHB) incidence (percent of heads with symptoms) and severity (percent of symptomatic spikelets on diseased heads). Plots wereharvested 21 Aug, and grain was cleaned using a Clipper Eclipse seed sizer and conditioner. Grain subsamples of approx. 1.8 oz/plot were sent to the Univ. of Minnesota Mycotoxin Lab in St. Paul to determine deoxynivalenol (DON) content. Results were analyzed using PROC GLM in SAS, with Fisher’s Protected Least Significant Difference (LSD) mean separations atP=0.05.
机译:5月1日,用Hege田间播种机将硬红春小麦以135万个活种子/ A的速度播种到存在大豆残渣的Wheatville壤土中。该试验以随机完整区组设计的形式进行,一式四份。每个地块均为5英尺x 25英尺,相距6英寸。 6月17日,应用Axial(0.66 pt / A)和Bronate Advanced(1.0 pt / A)进行除草。在6月17日(分iller生长期,F2)或6月26日(旗叶出现,F9)上,使用背包式喷雾器进行杀真菌剂处理,该喷雾器的XR Teejet扁平风扇8002VS喷嘴间距20英寸,在20米的5英尺吊杆上gpa和40 psi。在7月25日,使用0到5的等级对整个样地的叶病患病率进行评估,其中0 =无病,而5 = 91-100%的叶病。 7月28日,对50个小麦穗/地块进行镰刀菌枯萎病(FHB)发生率(有症状的头的百分比)和严重程度(患病头上有症状的小穗的百分比)的评分。于8月21日收获地块,并使用Clipper Eclipse种子上浆机和调理剂清洁谷物。谷物子样本约1.8盎司/地块已发送到Univ。美国圣保罗州明尼苏达州霉菌毒素实验室的研究人员测定了脱氧雪腐烯醇(DON)含量。使用SAS中的PROC GLM对结果进行了分析,Fisher的受保护的最低有效差异(LSD)平均间隔为P = 0.05。



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