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Commercial sugar beet cultivars evaluated for resistance to bacterial root rot in Idaho, 2008.


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Eighteen commercial sugar beet cultivars were grown in a commercial sprinkler-irrigated sugar beet field near American Falls, ID where potatoes were grown in 2007. The plots were planted on 21 Apr 08 and managed according to standard cultural practices. Plants were free of foliar and root disease symptoms. Four roots representative of each cultivar were hand topped and harvested on 1 Oct. The roots were then placed in a cold room at 3deg C and 90% relative humidity until they were assayed on 7 Jan 09. The roots were washed, dipped in 0.6% sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 min, rinsed in sterile reverse osmosis water, and then air dried in a laminar hood. A cross section of the root 8-10 mm thick and 45-70 mm in diameter was cut just below the widest portion of root and placed in a Petri dish on sterile filter paper moistened with sterile tap water. A 2-mm diameter and 3-mm deep hole was created with a sterile tooth pick in the center of the root slice. A sterile tooth pick was then dipped in a 48-hr old culture of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum B322 grown on MRS media at 30deg C, and placed in the hole along with a drop of sterile tap water. Four additional root slices served as the non-inoculated check (no bacteria inoculated). The root slice/Petri dish combination was placed in a plastic bag and incubated at 30deg C. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with four replications (1 root slice= 1 replication for each cultivar). The diameter of rotted root area was recorded after 72, 96, and 120 hr. Bacteria from the lesions in each replication were re-isolated by streaking onto MRS to prove only L. mesenteroides was present. Data were analyzed using the general linear models procedure (Proc GLM-SAS), and Fisher’sprotected least significant difference was used for mean comparisons.
机译:在ID的American Falls附近的商业喷灌甜菜田中种植了18个商业甜菜栽培品种,该田于2007年种植马铃薯。该地块于08年4月21日种植,并按照标准的文化惯例进行管理。植物没有叶和根疾病症状。手工摘取代表每个品种的四个根,并于10月1日收获。然后将根置于3°C和90%相对湿度的冷室中,直到在09年1月7日进行测定。将根洗净,浸入0.6%次氯酸钠溶液1分钟,在无菌反渗透水中冲洗,然后在层流罩中风干。在根部最宽部分的正下方切下8-10毫米厚,直径为45-70毫米的根部横截面,并将其放在培养皿中的培养皿上,该培养皿上用无菌自来水润湿。在牙根切片的中心创建一个直径为2毫米,深为3毫米的孔,并使用无菌牙签。然后将无菌的牙签浸入48小时的肠系膜亮隐球菌亚种中。葡聚糖B322在30摄氏度的MRS培养基上生长,并与一滴无菌自来水一起放入孔中。另外四个根切片用作未接种的检查(未接种细菌)。将根切片/陪替氏培​​养皿组合放入塑料袋中,并在30°C下孵育。该实验是一个随机的完全区组设计,具有四次重复(每个品种1根切片= 1次重复)。在72、96和120小时后记录腐烂的根部区域的直径。通过在MRS上划线,重新分离出每次复制中来自病灶的细菌,以证明仅存在肠系膜乳杆菌。使用通用线性模型程序(Proc GLM-SAS)分析数据,并使用Fisher受保护的最小显着差异进行均值比较。



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