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Comparison of Methods of Acibenzolar-S-Methyl Application for Post-Infection Fire Blight Suppression in Pear and Apple


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Greenhouse-grown, 1-year-old potted 'Bose' pear and apple rootstock cultivars 'M.9' and 'M.26' were inoculated with the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora, and subjected to trunk paint, root drench, or foliar spray treatments with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM, 4 to 30 mg a.i./tree) to induce systemic acquired resistance. Each method of ASM treatment suppressed fire blight canker expansion by 22 to 25%. Furthermore, ASM application method and ASM treatment timing (at or +/- 3 weeks relative to inoculation) interacted significantly (P = 0.02) in each experiment. A root drench was most effective when applied 3 weeks before inoculation (36% suppression) whereas trunk paints and foliar sprays were more effective at inoculation (43 and 34%, suppression, respectively). Sizes of fire blight cankers in potted apple rootstocks M.9 and M.26 (under scions 'Gala' or 'Cameo') inoculated directly with the pathogen were reduced by 82 and 87% after two pre-treatments of ASM applied as a trunk paint or root drench, respectively. Expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes PR-1 and -2 in apple leaves sampled after an ASM trunk paint were elevated significantly (P = 0.05) relative to control trees for at least 9 weeks after treatment. Results of this study are being used to guide field research on postinfection therapy with ASM in 1- to 10-year-old pear and apple trees where fire blight has proven difficult to manage with therapeutic pruning only.
机译:温室种植的1岁盆栽'Bose'梨和苹果砧木'M.9'和'M.26'接种了火疫病病原体欧文氏小球藻(Erwinia amylovora),并经过树干油漆,根浸或叶酸苯甲酰-S-甲基酯(ASM,4至30 mg ai /棵)的叶面喷洒处理可引起系统获得性抗药性。每种ASM处理方法都将火疫病的鳞屑膨胀抑制了22%至25%。此外,在每个实验中,ASM的施用方法和ASM的治疗时机(相对于接种时间为+/- 3周)之间存在显着相互作用(P <= 0.02)。接种前3周施用根部浸水最为有效(抑制作用为36%),而树干涂料和叶面喷雾剂的接种效果更好(抑制作用分别为43%和34%)。在对苹果树苗进行两次预处理后,直接接种病原的盆栽苹果砧木M.9和M.26(在接穗“ Gala”或“ Cameo”下)的枯萎病鳞茎大小分别减少了82%和87%分别进行油漆或根浸。在处理后至少9周内,ASM树干油漆后取样的苹果叶片中病程相关(PR)基因PR-1和-2的表达相对于对照树显着提高(P <= 0.05)。这项研究的结果被用于指导在1至10岁的梨树和苹果树中使用ASM进行感染后治疗的现场研究,在这些树中,仅通过治疗性修剪难以治愈火疫病。



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