首页> 外文期刊>Plant Disease >First report of botrytis blight caused by Botrytis cinerea on Gaura lindheimeri in Italy.

First report of botrytis blight caused by Botrytis cinerea on Gaura lindheimeri in Italy.

机译:在意大利的 Gaura lindheimeri 上,由灰葡萄孢引起的灰霉病的首次报道。

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In January 2008, five-month-old Gaura lindheimeri (cv. Whirling Butterflies) plants grown in plastic pots in the open field started showing symptoms of a previously unknown blight. Small, brown spots appeared on the basal portion of leaves first, eventually spreading to cover entire leaves. Severely infected leaves eventually became completely rotten and desiccated. Tissues were excised from diseased leaves, immersed in a solution containing 1% sodium hypochlorite for 10 seconds and then cultured on potato dextrose agar medium. Based on its cultural characters, the pathogen was identified as Botrytis cinerea. Upon conducting pathogenicity tests, inoculated plants developed foliar lesions while control plants remained healthy. B. cinerea was consistently reisolated from the lesions. This is thought to be the first report of the presence of B. cinerea on G. lindheimeri in Italy.
机译:2008年1月,在开阔地的塑料盆中生长的5个月大的 Gaura lindheimeri (c旋蝴蝶)植物开始出现以前未知的疫病症状。小的褐色斑点首先出现在叶片的基部,最后扩散到覆盖整个叶片。严重感染的叶子最终变得完全烂干。从患病的叶子上切下组织,将其浸入含1%次氯酸钠的溶液中10秒钟,然后在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基上培养。根据其文化特征,病原体被鉴定为灰葡萄孢。进行致病性测试后,接种的植物出现了叶状病变,而对照植物则保持健康。 B。灰质始终从病变中分离出来。认为这是关于B的首次报道。灰霉病在 G上。 lindheimeri 在意大利。



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