首页> 外文期刊>Plant Disease >Optimum Timing of Preplant Applications of Glyphosate to Manage Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Barley

Optimum Timing of Preplant Applications of Glyphosate to Manage Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Barley


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Rhizoctonia root rot, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-8 and R. oryzae, is considered one of the main deterrents for farmers to adopt reduced-tillage systems in the Pacific Northwest. Because of the wide host range of Rhizoctonia spp., herbicide application before planting to control weeds and volunteer plants is the main management strategy for this disease. To determine the effect of timing of glyphosate applications on the severity of Rhizoctonia root rot of barley, field experiments were conducted in 2007, 2008, and 2009 in a field naturally infested with a high level of both R. solani and R. oryzae. Crop volunteer plants and weeds were allowed to grow over the winter and plots were sprayed with glyphosate at 42, 28, 14, 7, and 2 days prior to planting. As the herbicide application interval increased, there were significant increases in shoot length, length of the first true leaf, and number of healthy seminal roots and a decrease in disease severity. Yield and the number of seminal roots did not show a response to herbicide application interval in most years. The activity of R. solani, as measured by toothpick bioassay and real-time polymerase chain reaction, declined over time in all treatments after planting barley. The herbicide application interval required to meet 80 and 90% of the maximum response (asymptote) for all plant and disease measurements ranged from 11 to 27 days and 13 to 37 days, respectively. These times are the minimum herbicide application intervals required to reduce disease severity in the following crop.
机译:solani AG-8和稻瘟病菌引起的根瘤菌根腐病被认为是西北太平洋地区农民采用减耕制度的主要威慑因素之一。由于根瘤菌属的寄主范围广泛,因此在种植前除草剂以控制杂草和志愿植物是该病的主要防治策略。为了确定草甘膦施药时间对大麦根瘤菌根腐病严重程度的影响,我们在2007年,2008年和2009年进行了田间试验,该田间自然受到高水平的solani和R. oryzae侵染。允许作物志愿植物和杂草在整个冬季生长,并在种植前第42、28、14、7和2天用草甘膦喷洒田地。随着除草剂施用间隔的增加,枝条长度,第一张真叶的长度和健康的精根的数量显着增加,并且疾病严重性降低。在大多数年份中,产量和生根数均未显示对除草剂施用间隔的反应。在种植大麦后的所有处理中,通过牙签生物测定和实时聚合酶链反应测得的茄尼罗非鱼的活性随时间下降。满足所有植物和病害测量的最大响应(渐近线)的80%和90%所需的除草剂施用间隔分别为11到27天和13到37天。这些时间是减少下茬作物病害严重程度所需的最小除草剂施用间隔。



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