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MADE expo 2013: constructions and innovations


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The constructions system is on the move again through innovation, technologies and the proper use of high performance equipments and materials for an efficient, safe and sustatin- able building industry. At MADE expo 2013, Flora Milano Rho, from 2~(nd) to 5~(th) October 2013, on the occasion of the Salone delle Costruzioni e del Cantiere, water repellant and wa- ter-proof products as well as thermal-insulated and soundproof plasters, mortars, chemicals for recovery and consolidation, additives for concrete and adhesives, primers, protection products, resins, foams and sealants, paints and surface treatment products, lacquers, varnishes and interior decoration products will be displayed. This biennial event is ready for the new edition of October 2013 featuring a new highly specialized format: the Salone Costruzioni e Cantiere will be highlighted which is especially devoted to the most inno- vative solutions and construction technologies, materials, hnished products, chemistry for building, construction site tools and equipments.
机译:通过创新,技术以及对高性能设备和材料的正确使用,建筑体系将再次发展,以实现高效,安全和可持续的建筑行业。在2013年MADE博览会上,2013年10月2日至5日,米兰植物园将在Salone delle Costruzioni e del Cantiere大会上亮相,提供防水和防水产品以及耐热将会展示隔热和隔音的灰泥,砂浆,用于回收和固结的化学药品,用于混凝土和胶粘剂的添加剂,底漆,防护产品,树脂,泡沫和密封胶,油漆和表面处理产品,漆,清漆和室内装饰产品。两年一度的盛会准备于2013年10月举行,届时将采用一种高度专业化的新格式:将重点介绍Salone Costruzioni e Cantiere,该会议将特别致力于最具创新性的解决方案和建筑技术,材料,装饰产品,建筑化学,施工现场的工具和设备。



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