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Cement company pays to settle case


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A South Carolina cement company has agreed to pay the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) penalties reduced from 115,200 dollars to 92,000 dollars for three violations of ground control and training standards in a case in which a trench wall collapsed and buried a contract worker. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Judge Gary Melick approved the settlement agreement between Holcim (U.S.) Inc. and the agency in a May 2 decision. The fatal accident occurred in September 2003 at Holcim's Holly Hill Facility, a surface limestone quarry and cement plant located in Orangeburg County, S.C. Holcim had contracted with Bor-ton LC to perform construction projects at the mine, and had contracted with Dorchester Excavating Inc. to perform excavation projects, including excavation for the retaining wall where the accident occurred.
机译:南卡罗来纳州一家水泥公司已同意支付三倍违反地面控制和培训标准的罚款,矿山安全与健康管理局(MSHA)的罚款从115,200美元减至92,000美元,原因是沟渠墙倒塌并埋葬一名合同工。联邦矿山安全与健康审查委员会法官Gary Melick在5月2日的裁决中批准了Holcim(U.S.)Inc.与该机构之间的和解协议。致命事故发生在2003年9月,发生在Holcim的Holly Hill工厂,这是一家位于南卡罗来纳州奥兰治堡县的地表石灰石采石场和水泥厂,Holcim与Borton LC签订了在矿山进行建设项目的合同,并与Dorchester Excavating Inc.签订了合同。进行挖掘工程,包括对发生事故的挡土墙进行挖掘。



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