首页> 外文期刊>Physics Reports: A Review Section of Physics Letters (Section C) >Quantum magnetotransport in two-dimensional Coulomb liquids [Review]

Quantum magnetotransport in two-dimensional Coulomb liquids [Review]




In this article we review recent progress in understanding of many-electron effects on the quantum magnetotransport in two-dimensional (2D) Coulomb liquids in which the interaction potential energy per electron can be approximately a hundred times larger than the mean kinetic energy. The conventional Fermi-liquid approach based on the introduction of weakly interacting excitations being not applicable, it is remarkable that a quantitative theoretical description of the equilibrium and transport properties of the 2D Coulomb liquid appears to be possible. An account of basic properties of the strongly interacting 2D electron system under magnetic field realized on a free surface of liquid helium is given. Due to the high magnetic field applied perpendicular to the system, the electron liquid constituted of strongly interacting electrons can be described as a collection of statistically independent electrons, each of them having the discrete Landau spectrum in a local reference frame moving ultra-fast with regard to the center-of-mass frame of the entire electron liquid. We found it surprising that the narrowing of Landau levels induced by Coulomb forces in local frames is accompanied by a strong Coulomb broadening of the electron dynamical structure factor (DSF) in the laboratory reference frame. We discuss in detail the magnetotransport theories in two-dimensions, especially the force-balance equation method and the memory function formalism which allow to reduce the electron transport problem to the description of the equilibrium electron DSF. We show that the whole body of the DC magnetoconductivity and cyclotron resonance absorption data measured and reported within the last two decades (even previously conflicting with theory) can be very well described by means of a simple model for the electron DSF entering the imaginary part of the memory function or the effective collision frequency of the electrons. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 125]
机译:在本文中,我们回顾了对二维(2D)库仑液体中的多电子效应对量子磁传输的理解的最新进展,其中,每个电子的相互作用势能可能比平均动能大一百倍。基于引入弱相互作用激发的常规费米液体方法不适用,值得注意的是,对二维库仑液体的平衡和传输性质的定量理论描述似乎是可能的。给出了在液态氦的自由表面上实现的磁场下强相互作用二维电子系统的基本特性的说明。由于垂直于系统施加的强磁场,由强烈相互作用的电子构成的电子液体可描述为统计独立电子的集合,每个电子在局部参考系中具有离散的Landau谱,其运动相对超快到整个电子液体的质心框架。我们发现令人惊讶的是,在实验室参考系中,库仑力在局部框架中引起的兰道水平变窄伴随着电子动力学结构因子(DSF)的强大库仑展宽。我们详细讨论了二维的磁输运理论,尤其是力平衡方程法和记忆函数形式论,这些理论可以将电子输运问题减少到平衡电子DSF的描述中。我们显示,通过电子DSF进入电子的虚部的简单模型,可以很好地描述过去二十年来(甚至以前与理论相抵触)测量和报告的整个直流磁导率和回旋共振吸收数据。记忆功能或电子的有效碰撞频率。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:125]



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