首页> 外文期刊>Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors: A Journal Devoted to Obsevational and Experimerntal Studies of the Chemistry and Physics of Planetary Interiors and Their Theoretical Interpretation >The Mono Lake excursion recorded in phonolitic lavas from Tenerife (Canary Islands): Paleomagnetic analyses and coupled K/Ar and Ar/Ar dating

The Mono Lake excursion recorded in phonolitic lavas from Tenerife (Canary Islands): Paleomagnetic analyses and coupled K/Ar and Ar/Ar dating

机译:特内里费岛(加那利群岛)的火山岩熔岩中记录的莫诺湖游览:古地磁分析以及耦合的K / Ar和Ar / Ar测年

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We present a coupled paleomagnetic/dating investigation conducted on three different lava flows from the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands; Spain) erupted during the Mono Lake excursion (MLE). Paleomagnetic analyses consist in zero field demagnetizations (AF and/or thermal) and of Thellier and Thellier experiments using the PICRIT-03 set of criteria to select reliable intensity determinations. One of the flows is characterized by a direction largely deviated from the one expected from an axial geocentric dipole (GAD) field. Its paleointensity value is very low (7.8μT). The two other sites are characterized by inclinations slightly shallower than the GAD value and by low intensity values (about 12 and 21μT; present value: 38μT). The three K/Ar ages combined with two ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar ages range from 32.0 to 33.2ka and they are not statistically distinguishable from one another. It therefore appears that these lavas have recorded the MLE (the only excursion in this time interval) confirming its brief duration (shorter than the minimum age uncertainties available). The mean age is younger but, within the uncertainties, consistent with the age of the ~(10)Be peak and of the marine intensity low when reported in the most recent ice age model. These new results are the first ones with radiometric dating produced from the northern hemisphere. Combined with existing cosmogenic, marine and volcanic paleomagnetic data, these results are discussed in terms of dating, and geometry of the earth magnetic field during the excursion.
机译:我们提出了对来自莫诺湖游览(MLE)期间特内里费岛(加那利群岛;西班牙)的三种不同熔岩流进行的古地磁/约会研究。古磁分析包括零场消磁(AF和/或热)以及使用PICRIT-03标准选择可靠强度确定的Thellier和Thellier实验。其中一种流动的特征是,其方向与轴向地心偶极子(GAD)场所预期的方向大相径庭。其古强度值非常低(7.8μT)。另外两个部位的特征是倾斜度略低于GAD值,强度值较低(约12和21μT;现值:38μT)。三个K / Ar年龄与两个〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar年龄相结合,范围从32.0到33.2ka,它们在统计学上没有区别。因此,看来这些熔岩记录了MLE(此时间间隔内唯一的偏移),证实了其短暂的持续时间(比可用的最小年龄不确定性短)。平均年龄更年轻,但在不确定性范围内,与最新冰期模型中报道的〜(10)Be高峰年龄和海洋强度低年龄一致。这些新结果是北半球产生的第一个带有辐射测年的结果。结合现有的宇宙成因,海洋和火山古地磁数据,将在偏移期间对年代测定和地磁场的几何形状进行讨论。


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